Title: 飛安風險分析系統與評估模式建立之研究
Development of Risk Analysis and Assessment Model for Airline Safety
Authors: 汪進財
Jinn-Tsai Wong
Keywords: 飛航安全;飛安監理;航空公司;風險分析;安全評估;Aviation Safety;Safety Surveillance;Airline;Risk Analysis;Safety Assessment
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 為能善盡保障民眾享有安全權益並促進航空市場良性競爭之職責,民航局必須建立一套良好的分析系統,以適切評估航空公司安全績效並發掘其潛在危險因子。本研究擬由失事肇因、系統組成、事件形成與系統運作等觀點著手,探討飛航安全系統之內涵與本質,進而構建完整性與層級性的航空公司飛安系統架構。接著,依據此一架構,進一步探討各飛安層面之影響因素,以及研擬各影響因素之評量指標與尺度,進而透過飛安查核員之問卷訪談,檢討指標之完整性與適宜性;同時,衡量各因素間之交互影響權重,進行評量系統之構建。最後,以構建完成之系統性與層級性航空公司飛安評量指標模式為基礎,徹底檢討現行航空公司飛安評量系統不足之處,提出具體改善之建議,提升現行飛安評量系統之功能。
In order to fulfill the CAA?HH?HHs duty to ensure the public safety and maintain a safe aviation environment, developing an analytic system to assess the safety performance and discover the potential hazards of airlines is a must. This study will begin with clarifying the characteristics of aviation safety system through different viewpoints?HHX accident causes, system components, accident formations and system operations. Thus, a comprehensive and hierarchical framework of airline safety system could be constructed. On the basis of the proposed framework, the effecting factors of each level will be explored one by one, and their corresponding indicators and measurements will be drawn up respectively. In order to examine the completeness and appropriateness of the indicators, a survey of inspectors?HH?HH perception will then be conducted. In the meantime, the weights between the factors will be determined for the development of assessment system. In the end, with the proposed system, the current airline safety assessment system of CAA would be thoroughly reviewed; drawbacks are found and recommendations are made.
Gov't Doc #: LD-03014
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/92403
Appears in Collections:Research Plans