Title: 規劃頻率釋出與業務執照分離發照制度之研究
A Study on the Separation of Frequency and Service Licensing
Authors: 唐震寰
Jenn-Hwan Tarng
Keywords: 頻率指配;業務執照;拍賣;電信規範;Frequency assignment;Operations license;Auction;Telecom regulation
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 無線頻率屬公眾稀有資源,各頻段之業務執照設計及釋出方式,對國家頻譜管理架構、電信事業及產業發展、電信監理制度衝擊及公眾福利等方面均有重大影響。我國於民國八十六年開放四項行動業務包括:行動電話業務、行動數據通信業務、中繼式無線電業務以及無線電叫人業務。由於行動通訊科技進步迅速,當時認為規劃合理的業者數目、使用頻寬及業務項目,至今似乎面臨需要調整的情形。 本研究團隊將整合技術、管理、法律及財經等相關專長之學者,廣泛分析、比較各國頻率釋照與業務釋照之監管機制,針對我國經濟環境及政府之政策目標,設計適合我國環境之頻率釋照與業務釋照分離制度。比較分析美國、英國、日本及新加坡等國頻率與業務釋照機制沿革經驗之個案研究;評估我國現行業務釋照加頻率核配監理制度之優缺點分析;提出頻率釋出與業務釋出分離發照之最佳規範機制及其實施方式,以及分析頻率釋照與業務釋照分離機制對我國電信監理制度、電信業者、消費者及整體經濟可能帶來之衝擊及效益。並針對目標項目提供委託機關頻率釋照規管架構及管理規則草案、業務釋照規管架構及管理規則草案及各項變革之優缺點分析。以提供政府制定頻率釋照與業務釋照分離發照政策之參考。
Due to the rapid progress of radio communications technologies, the wireless telecommunications and digital broadcasting services are becoming versatile and popular. Nevertheless, the competition is also very fierce. In the past, a service operations license and a frequency assignment were bundled together. A specific set of service types is associated with each assigned frequency. However, after years of market evolution, some service types have become uncompetitive and the assigned frequencies have ended up under utilized. Under auction frequency awarding systems, some authorities allow awardees to rent, re-sale and even have the flexibility to offer any type of services. This study will investigate to what extend and in what circumstances this flexibility will be allowed in frequency and service licensing. The possibility of relaxing the service type restrictions for operators currently in hardship will also be explored. The findings of this research will be recommendations to DGT for policy and regulation making.
Gov't Doc #: ytm91013-910531
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93032
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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