標題: 行動多媒體視訊資料之修片技術研究
Retouching Techniques for Images/Videos Captured by Mobile Devices
作者: 王聖智
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本計畫為“應用於行動裝置之多媒體內容解析與編修系統”群體計畫 之子計畫一。近年來,具有多媒體功能之行動裝置快速普及於日常生活 中,這些多媒體應用衍生了許多重要相關研究議題,如拍攝影像之編修與 影像內容分析、傳輸或接收之影像解析度調整、影音資訊檢索與標記等。 針對這些需求,本群體計畫希望能夠發展一套便於一般使用者使用的行 動裝置音視訊編輯處理系統,讓行動裝置成為協助使用者的多媒體平 台。 在本計畫中,我們將針對行對裝置在照相或錄影的過程中可能出現一 些不理想的拍攝效果,諸如 環境的光線照明可能並不理想, 拍攝時可能因為劇烈晃動而造成畫面的模糊, 拍照時的拍攝角度可能並不恰當, 拍攝環境中可能存在破壞畫面的人事物, 發展合適有效的影像分析及處理技術來加以修補改善。 在本計畫中,我們預計以三年的時間、針對三項主要議題來逐步進行 研究討論。第一年度將著重於spectral matting 技術之開發與效能增進;第 二年度將著重於Image Deblurring、Image Inpainting、Relighting 技術之開 發與改善,並嘗試將這些技術與spectral matting 之原理與成果進一步結 合;第三年則是基於spectral matting、image deblurring、image inpainting、 relighting 等技術,研究開發視訊之修片技術,以解決改善因環境的光線照 明不理想、因晃動而造成的模糊畫面、不恰當的拍攝角度、出現影響畫面 的人事物等造成的問題。
This project is a sub-project of the joint-project “Multimedia content analysis, understanding and editing for mobile devices”. In recent years, mobile devices with various kinds of multi-media functionalities are prevalent in our daily life. Those new multi-media applications have inspired plentiful research topics, like the retouching/editing of image/video contents, the transmission of multi-media contents with scalable resolutions, and the retrieval/indexing of multi-media data. In this joint project, we aim to develop advanced analysis techniques and processing tools to provide flexible functionalities in content analysis, understanding and editing of multi-media data captured by mobile devices. In this subproject, we focus on the development of retouching techniques to improve the quality of images and videos that have been degraded due to the following factors:  poor lighting conditions;  image blurring caused by camera shaking;  inappropriate image/video composition; and  undesirable objects in images/videos. Here, we aim to develop the whole retouching system in three years. In the first year, we will focus on the development and improvement of the spectral matting technique. After that, we will focus on the implementation of image deblurring, image inpainting, and relighting techniques in the second year, together with the integration of those techniques with the spectral matting technique. Finally, with those analysis techniques and processing tools developed in the first two years, an image/video retouching system will be developed in the third year.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2221-E009-142-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93126
Appears in Collections:Research Plans