Title: | 西藏難民地毯產業:合作經濟與企業經營的類型比較 Tibetan Refugee Carpet Industry |
Authors: | 潘美玲 PAN MEI-LIN 國立交通大學人文社會學系 |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 難民社群如何在不同的條件下,發展出不同的產業運作模式,為什麼同樣都是西藏難民地毯的生產與銷售,在印度和尼泊爾為何出現如此不同的產業運作形態?如果說尼泊爾的西藏地毯業算是一種「成功」經營的類型,則為何在印度的流亡藏人沒有複製而採取合作社運作形態?難民的身份與流亡的處境,如何影響藏人經濟活動的選擇以及與流亡所在社會的關係?這是本研究計畫希望探究的問題。
相較於研究者過去單一處理印度流亡藏人的毛衣貿易的道德經濟,或者有關尼泊爾西藏地毯產業的相關文獻,雖然都有助於我們對難民經濟,印度或尼泊爾社會的族群經濟,跨界流離的族群經濟處境和鑲嵌於當地社會條件有所理解,但這些單一個案呈現的限制,都在於深描而無法從事進一步的理論化工作,從事西藏難民地毯產業經營的類型比較,是建立理論化的重要工作,也是本研究期待能夠提出的貢獻。 How do the Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal develop two different kinds of business model in Tibetan carpet industry? During 1990s, the Tibetan Carpet Industry in Nepal by a capitalist model has been successful and become a major source of gain foreign currency for one of the poorest country in the world. In India, the Tibetan carpet handicraft center is order the cooperative society of the settlement. If the capitalist model has been successful, why it can not be copied in India?To what extent, Tibetan’s choices of economic strategy has been affected by being in exile?A comparative study on Tibetan carpet industry between India and Nepal provides us to understand the unexplored issues of refugee economy. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2410-H009-021-MY2 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93137 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2863324&docId=407151 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |