標題: | 尖端晶體材料製備與分析核心設施計畫-子計畫五:功能性氧化物原子工坊 Atomic Foundry of Complex Oxides |
作者: | 朱英豪 Chu Ying-Hao 國立交通大學材料科學與工程學系(所) |
公開日期: | 2013 |
摘要: | 為了提昇國內在新穎材料設計、合成單晶與磊晶成長及其元件製作之研發品質及競 爭力,提昇國內基礎科學在這方面之研究,以期達到國際領先境界,更能迅速與產 業應用端接軌,開創科技研究之經濟價值。國科會自然處四年來已推動建立新穎材 料之單晶與磊晶成長所需之關鍵核心設施、技術及服務平台,目前已有幾個相當成 功之種子平台,可以開發出關鍵性材料與晶體。此計劃書之目的在於規劃下三年第 二期此計畫內位於交大材料系平台之推動。交通大學材料系朱英豪助理教授所領導 的團隊,經由國科會自然處與交通大學之補助,目前負責功能性氧化物磊晶成長平 台,三年內成績優異,使用者眾,希望利用此計畫,以目前之經驗,來推動成立實 驗中心之可行性。第一期為種子平台,到第一期結束將成為物理學門研究群的後 盾,將物理學門研究學者可以更專注於物理問題之探索,將材料之問題藉由本平台 之提供和開發,以節省重新開發材料之時間。所以計畫應該要深化平台之運作,確 保平台在接下來之第二期計畫中,可以維持基本之成長運作,以提升樣品品質,進 一步可以節省雙方開發材料與深入物性探討之時間。同時之間希望可以開始建立元 件開發製程團隊之合作關係,以利材料開發與基本物性了解之後之可能性應用,因 此希望規劃建立較大面積之製程,以利元件製程開發之建立。目前平台急需大面積 磊晶成長與快速的薄膜樣品結晶檢測,以利元件製程以及新材料開發。第二期計畫 結束後,該研究平台,將具有氧化物磊晶薄膜成長之完整實驗室,同時將培養虛擬 之物性量測群,與元件開發群,以建立一個虛擬的研究中心,以利後續我國於新穎 氧化物材料之開發。 We propose to advance the capabilities of epitaxial oxide thin film synthesis at National Chiao Tung University by acquiring a new pulsed laser deposition assisted with high pressure reflection high energy electron diffraction and a thin film X-ray diffractometer. Oxide materials are gifted systems, providing a variety of physical properties, including superconducting, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, magnetic, CMR, optical, conducting and et al. The combinations of these properties enable exciting discoveries in fundamental science and innovations in advanced energy technologies and provide new solutions of next-generation electron devices. The core lab in National Chiao Tung University has extensive research efforts in oxide materials, spanning programs with more than 50 collaborative groups. Rapid developments in laser-assisted molecular beam epitaxy techniques provide a more advanced and flexible route for synthesizing high-quality, stoichiometry-controlled, interface-engineered, integrated oxide heterostructures. However, synthesis capabilities of high-quality transition metal oxide films and nanostructures at National Chiao Tung University are currently limited to small substrate size and the lack of fast characterization of the quality of the samples. It hinders the development of the device process, which typically needs the wafer size larger than 2 inches, and new materials. For this purpose, a 2” pulsed laser deposition assisted with high pressure reflection high energy electron diffraction and a thin film X-ray diffractometer are needed. These instruments will enforce the real epitaxial growth platform, and set up the strong collaboration between virtual characterization groups and virtual device developing groups. The goal is to build up a virtual research center in 2 years. Such a program shows the capability to integrate the resource in strongly-correlated-system community in Taiwan. |
官方說明文件#: | NSC101-2119-M009-002-MY2 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93144 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2848124&docId=402952 |
顯示於類別: | 研究計畫 |