Title: 智慧型天線系統之DSP運算法則即時化研究
Real-Time Dsp Algorithms for Smart Antenna Systems
Authors: 胡竹生
Keywords: 智慧型天線;數位訊號處理器;陣列訊號處理;Smart Antenna;Digital Signal Processors;Array Signal Processing
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 雖然智慧型天線系統的觀念已經被廣泛地研究,但大多數的研究均著重於演算法的發展及基礎理論上的分析。至於實作方面,則尚無足夠的研究進行。這其中一項重要的課題便是如何有效的、即時的實現各演算法。以所需之計算量與及時之要求來看,目前即使是最高速的CPU,與可實現的目標仍有相當距離。因此無可避免的是必須使用平行運算,或pipeline的方式進行處理。這其中的關鍵便是如何將各演算法作平行拆解(parallelize),或串接(serialize)。本計畫之目的乃是要研究在智慧型天線系統中DOA(Direction of Arrival)及Beam Forming之演算法的平行化或串接化,以及驗證實現在以高速DSP晶片為基礎的平行電腦平台上。本計劃將搭配其他之子計畫,經由實地量測來驗證陣列信號處理演算法則之可行性,以及瞭解天線間的排列機制、耦合效應,以及電波傳播機制在實際環境中對智慧型天線系統的影響性評估,以預期智慧型天線系統應用於CDMA/IMT-2000系統中之效益。
Although the concept of smart antenna has been studied extensively, most of the research was focused on algorithm and theory development. For practical implementation, there are very few examples available. One of the important topics is to realize the idea in real-time. Because of the computational load and high signal bandwidth, the most powerful CPU in the world now cannot meet the requirement. Therefore, it is necessary to use parallel computation architecture. The goal of this project is to study the issues of parallelism in DOA (Direction of Arrival) and Beamforming by using DSP as the implementation platform. Cooperating with other projects, the result is going to be verified in various experiments to understand issues such as array arrangement, coupling effect, and wave propagating mechanism.
Gov't Doc #: MOTC-TL-1302
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93609
Appears in Collections:Research Plans