標題: UHF無線電通道模型之建構與信號空間特徵之分析(III)
Uhf Radio Channel Modeling and Spatial Signature Analysis(III)
作者: 唐震寰
關鍵字: 智慧型天線;陣列訊號處理;無線通道空間特徵;Smart Antenna;Array Signal Processing;Radio channel characteristics
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 模擬並瞭解實際無線通道空間特徵(Spatial Signature),不單能有效提升智慧型天線信號處理的效率:如加快處理收斂速率(Rate of convergence)、減少計算複雜度(Computational complexity)及提高其強健性(Robustness),同時也能提升系統容量及效能的評估準確度。本子項計畫以開發及驗證無限通道模型為主要目標。上年度計畫已完成二維及三維適應環境通道模型,並與郊區或市區電子地圖圖檔聯接,並利用場測數據驗證模型預估結果。而本年度計畫將繼續強化模擬軟體功能進行實測,驗證該通道模型所發展之傳播模型:此外我們將著手開發通道空間-時間統計模式,將近距或遠距區域內散射體效應考慮進來,一方面可強化現有模型-Site-specific model,一方面更可發展獨立的通道統計模型,使其更能滿足各種傳播環境與應用需求。
Understanding of radio channel characteristics not only can enhance signal processing efficiency of smart antennas such as speeding up convergence rate, reduction of computational complexity and increasing its robustness, but also increases system capacity and performance. In this project, developing and validating radio channel models are our major goal. Last year, we had completed two- and three- dimensional site-specific propagation models and validated these models with the experimental data acquired in urban and suburban environments. In this year, more experimental data will be collected to validate the models extensively. We are going to develop spatio-temporal statistical models to describe scattering effects of local and distant scatteres, which can enhance our site-specific model.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-90-1305
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93866