Title: 多變異質網路的跨階層方式之服務維繫機制
A Cross-layer Approach to Service Continuity for Versatile Heterogeneous Networks
Authors: 曾建超
Keywords: 多網路介面;會談連線連續性;異質網路;IEEE 802;21;Multiple Interfaces;Heterogeneous Networks;Session Continuity;IEEE 802;21
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本計畫為期三年,主要目標是設計及實作異質網路環境的多網行動裝置之(1)異質網
路介面管理系統與(2)異質網路會談管理系統。透過Cross Layer 的設計,行動通訊裝置可
的會談連線,並根據會談連線的特性和目前接取網路(Access Network)的狀態,經由網路
連續性(Session Continuity)的概念,行動通訊裝置在換手(Handover)後,仍可維持應用程式
目前已有諸多研究嘗試改進多網路介面行動裝置的使用機制。其中,IETF Multiple
Interface (MIF) Working Group 提出利用位於實體網路介面上的虛擬網路介面解決網路介
面切換的問題,並已著手制定標準。而IEEE 802.21 標準則更進一步定義媒介獨立之換
手(Media Independent Handover, MIH)的服務機制,提供資訊(Information)、命令(Command)
和事件(Event)等三大服務予MIH 使用者(意指上層網路協定或應用程式),讓MIH 使用
完全中斷,而上述IEEE 與IETF 提案均沒有考慮到會談連線中斷的問題。雖然Mobile IP
技術可以支援會談連線的連續性,但Mobile IP 的控制訊息、資料封包的封裝/解封裝以
供應用程式或網路感知型(Application and Network-aware)的會談連線不斷線服務。除此之
外,現在的Linux 核心已有多重路由表的設計,可以讓多個網路介面同時運作,而不再
理系統將會延伸IEEE 802.21(增加跨階層信息交換機制),根據應用程式特性與各網路狀
統中的介面選擇模組(Interface Selection Module)有效地管理多種異質網路介面,並選擇最
The goals of this three-year project are to design and implement (1) a Heterogeneous
Network Interface Management System and (2) a Heterogeneous Network Session
Management System for mobile devices with multiple interfaces. With the cross-layer design
in such systems, a mobile device can roam among heterogeneous networks and retain ongoing
sessions. Heterogeneous Network Interface Management System is responsible for managing
multiple network interfaces. It has a middleware module that can integrate multiple network
interfaces and provide a unified interface for applications or upper layer software to access
Interface with proper network interfaces. Heterogeneous Network Session Management
System aims to establish and maintain ongoing session of applications. It incorporates a
network interface selection algorithm that can determine a proper network interface for
application in accordance with the characteristic of the application sessions and network
statuses. By working with Heterogeneous Network Interface Management System,
Heterogeneous Network Session Management System can provide service continuity for
mobile devices even when they are performing handovers.
Research has been done to improve multiple interface use on mobile devices. IETF
Multiple Interface (MIF) Working Group proposes to use a virtual interface on top of the
physical network interfaces, so that hosts can continue using the virtual interface while
switching physical interfaces. IEEE 802.21 standard takes it a step further and defines Media
Independent Handover (MIH) Services, which provides high-level information, commend and
event services for MIH users (higher layer protocols or applications) to manage and control
physical interfaces without knowing the detailed operations of each interface.
However, the switches of interfaces or points of network attachment may cause
interruption or even disconnection of session connections, and none of the above proposals
has resolved the session interrupting problem. Although mobile IP can support session
continuity, it introduces too much overhead in signaling, data encapsulation/decapsulation,
and re-routings. Therefore, the Heterogeneous Network Session Management System
proposed in this project aims to provide the application and network-aware session continuity
service without the Mobile IP. Furthermore, in contemporary Linux kernels, there exist
multiple routing tables that can be used in parallel for multiple interfaces. Therefore,
Heterogeneous Network Interface Management System will extend the concept of IEEE
802.21 (with more cross-layer signals) and utilize multiple routing tables to provide session
continuity according to the characteristics of applications and networks. Furthermore, it will
support bandwidth aggregation services for mobile hosts with multiple network interfaces.
In summary, Heterogeneous Network Interface Management System provides a unified
interface for Heterogeneous Network Session Management System to manage network
interfaces effectively. Heterogeneous Network Session Management System can, thus, be
incorporated with an Interface Selection Module to determine and use the proper network
interface for applications in accordance with the characteristics of applications and networks.
Consequently, Heterogeneous Network Session Management System can retain the ongoing
sessions for roaming users. ..
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2221-E009-031-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/94020
Appears in Collections:Research Plans