标题: | 兰屿原住民知识生产体系与外来典范的相遇及发展-原住民与传播科技:兰屿原住民阅听人之在地意义诠释与挪用 Aboriginal audience and Communication Technology: Tao$s Interpretation and Appropriation of Media in their Everyday Lives |
作者: | 张玉佩 Chang Yupei 国立交通大学传播与科技学系 |
关键字: | 原住民知識;达悟族;蘭屿;阅听人研究;媒体素养;indigenous knowledge;Tao;Orchid Island;audience research;media literacy |
公开日期: | 2013 |
摘要: | 本计画摒弃“原住民知識”与“科学知識”二元对立的结构桎梏,着眼于当 代原住民社会的现况,透过原住民自主性的參与,将传播媒体的力量纳入原住民 赋权的工具。计画着眼于蘭屿原住民的俗民知識体系与大众传播媒体间的拉扯与 互动,特别关注与俗民知識体系互动深刻的“电视”与“网路”兩个先席媒体, 探讨蘭屿达悟族人在日常生活裡对于來自媒体意义的诠释与挪用。具体的研究目 的有三:1)瞭解电视与网路在蘭屿原住民生活裡的使用与意义。2)透过解讀与 诠释传播媒体意义,建构蘭屿原住民的俗民知識体系。3)透过參与式传播,建 构符合原住民需求的媒体素养课程。 本计画预计分为三年执行。第一年与第二年,主要的研究工作在于资料搜集 与田野观察,计画预计原用传播領域之阅听人研究理論与行动研究,以“在地化 的意义诠释”、“诠释社群”、“蘭屿生活脉络”与“反身性思考”为研究框架,透 过田野观察与深度访谈,建构蘭屿原住民阅听人的诠释模式。第三年则透过行动 研究,与椰油国小和蘭屿中学故同合作,举办蘭屿文化与媒体素养工作坊,进而 思考传播媒体在蘭屿社会可能发挥的功能以及对凝聚族人认同共識的可能贡 献。 Drawing on contemporary media experiences with an emphasis on the aboriginal contexts, this project demonstrates how the aboriginal audiences incorporate mass media in their lives and how they appropriate the meanings of media to resist the dominate ideologies. Television and internet had been included in the project because they are the most popular leisure in contemporary media. Furthermore, Tao on Orchid Island is the research field which I will take the participating research, deep-interviews, and action research as the research methods. Process of the project plans three years. In the first and second years, the proposal will focus on the meanings among the aboriginal texts, audience experiences, and the explanatory communities. Research frames include the personal meanings, interpretative communities, everyday lives, and reflexive thinking. In the last year, aboriginal media literary will be take experimental practices in the elementary school and junior high school. Through this research project, it will help us to think critically about media in aboriginal society, especially televisions and internet as the cultural industry, and their potential for the circulation of information, for participatory citizenship, and for intellectual creativity. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC100-2420-H009-005-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/94045 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2864481&docId=407473 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |