标题: | 巨观与单分子分析脂蛋白之摺叠与脂蛋白及脂质之交互作用 Ensemble and single molecule analysis of apolipoproteins folding and apolipoprotein-lipid interaction |
作者: | 张家靖 CHANG CHIA-CHING 国立交通大学生物科技学系(所) |
关键字: | 蛋白质摺叠;脂蛋白B-100;单分子;极低密度脂蛋白;低密度脂蛋白;protein folding;apoB-100;single molecule;low-density lipoprotein;pre- very-low-density lipoprotein |
公开日期: | 2013 |
摘要: | 近來研究指出蛋白质与生物膜之结合与细胞膜之表面屈率变化息息相关,或许可藉 此调节生物体生物膜之运送与融合等作用。因此蛋白质与脂质之交互作用在基础研究 与应用方面均极为重要。然而系统性的分析单分子层次脂蛋白与脂质之交互作用研究 至今阙如。因此单分子层次研究平台之开发以瞭解脂蛋白与脂质之结合及脂蛋白 (例 如VLDL 合成之重要蛋白质,apoB100 与apoC3) 等之制备亦为当前研究所亟需。 Apolipoprotein (apo) B100 为非常低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)与低密度脂蛋白(LDL)之核 心骨架脂蛋白,由于其分子极大且非常疏水性,因此欲研究此一蛋白质之摺叠为一极 具挑战性之工作。ApoC3 亦为与VLDL 合成之重要蛋白质,但其摺叠机制与apoB100 之关聯仍未确立。藉由本计画所采用之TIRF-FRET-AFM (total internal reflection fluorescence microscope coupled with florescence resonance energy transfer and atomic force microscope)之先进光学与单分子操作系统量测,则此二蛋白质之单分子摺叠/变 性、蛋白质间之交互作用及蛋白质与不同曲率脂质体之作用关系可得,并可与巨观动 态摺叠实验相印证。 因此本研究之成功将不仅可增进我们对脂蛋白摺叠之瞭解,亦可瞭解VLDL 形成时 脂蛋白与脂质之交互作用机制。 Unraveling molecular mechanisms that regulate protein/lipid interaction has emerged as primary research target in both basic and applied science arena. It is known that conformation of membrane binding protein can sense topological changes of membranes (e.g. curvature) in regulating membrane dynamics and trafficking events, such as vesicle budding, tethering, fusion, and fission. However, a systematic analysis of the apolipoproteins/lipid interactions at single-molecule scale is currently unavailable. It is thus imperative to develop a research platform through which the mechanisms of apolipoprotein/lipid assembly (very low density lipoproteins or VLDL formation). Meanwhile, the functional apolipoproteins, such as apoB100 and apoC3 for VLDL formation, isolation are highly desired, too . Apolipoprotein (apo) B100 is the most important structural apolipoprotein for VLDL and other lipoproteins (e.g. LDL or low density lipoproteins). Because of the enormous size (4536 amino acids) and extreme hydrophobicity, it has been challenging to study the folding/reconstitution events of apoB100-containing lipoproteins. ApoC3 is a small (79 amino acids) apolipoprotein that promotes lipid recruitment during VLDL assembly. It remains unclear the folding process/mechanism of apoC3 and interactions between apoB100 and apoC3. By combining TIRF-FRET-AFM (total internal reflection fluorescence microscope coupled with florescence resonance energy transfer and atomic force microscope) system to quantify the rigidity (unfolding) of apolipoproteins, inter-apolipoprotein interactions and interactions between apolipoprotein and model lipid systems, and the unfolding/refolding process of a single apoB100/apoC3 molecule can be described. These results will be compared with ensemble kinetic folding study of apoB100/apoC3 to reveal the lipid-protein interactions during the folding process. Thus, the outcome of the current study will not only gain fundamental knowledge concerning protein folding but apolipoprotein/lipid interaction during VLDL assembly. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC100-2112-M009-004-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/95844 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2866682&docId=408087 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |