標題: 日常生活動作穩定性與跌倒即時感測器開發
Development of real-time movement stability recognition and fall detecting system
作者: 楊秉祥
Yang Bing-Shiang
關鍵字: 跌倒感測;日常生活動作;動作穩定性;即時判別;居家環境;穿戴式感測器;平衡評估;fall detector;activities of daily living;movement stability;real-time identification;living environment;wearable sensor;balance evaluation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究旨在開發一穿戴式日常動作穩定性以及跌倒即時判別裝置。跌倒是高齡者意外傷害的主因之一,我們計畫建置一擬真之生活空間,整合穿戴式人體動作與生理訊號量測裝置,進行人體各式日常生活動作,以及跌倒模擬實驗,並進行神經肌肉骨骼系統分析,藉以建立動作穩定性判別與即時跌倒感測(在跌倒開始並在撞擊發生前即判別)之數學運算模型。在此計畫我們將建立與新加坡及日本的國際合作,另亦將與國內感測與控制器廠商合作,增進研發與相關產業能量。此研究之主要目標包括:(1)建立裝置隱藏式感測器之擬真居家環境; (2)整合穿戴是人體動作與生理訊號即時量測與運算系統; (3)進行擬真居家環境實驗並量化年齡及環境參數對日常動作穩定性之影響; (4)進行居家環境擬真跌倒生物力學參數量測; (5)建立穿戴式日常生活動作穩定性與跌倒即時感測之prototype並進行準確性與效能評估。並期藉此計畫之開發進一步建立高齡者居家環境之安全與動作穩定性評估方式,延長人類具自主行動能力的壽命,提升高齡者的生活品質。
The purpose of this study is to develop a wearable technology for real-time recognizing activities of daily living (ADLs) and identifying stability of the movement, as well as fall initiation if occurs. We plan to use integrated neurophysiological and biomechanical experimental, analytical, and modeling approaches to examine the effects of environmental parameters on movement stability and balance during various daily activities in real/simulated living environments, and age differences in this control. Combining our findings and data from the literature, we will then develop algorithms for the online movement stability and fall identifying system to early detect unstable movements or falls; thus, to bring necessary interventions or treatments to individuals with early indication of movement and balance control deficits, and to reduce fall injuries and other consequent psychological effects, such as fear of falling. We will establish collaborations with researchers in Singapore and Japan, and with a local company. Five specific aims will be studied: (1) Establishing instrumented simulated living environments, with adjustable environmental parameters, for studying dynamic stability of individuals performing various activities of daily living and simulated falls; (2) Developing integrated sensors and algorithms for detailed movement measurements and online movement stability evaluation and fall detection; (3) Examining the effects of interactive environmental parameters on movement and balance control during various daily activities in real/simulated living environments, and age (and altered sensory feedback) difference in this control; (4) Quantifying biomechanical and neurophysiological variables at fall initiation during simulated/real falls; (5) Integrating and evaluating the performance of combined stability classifier and fall detector. The long-term goals are to lengthen ‘mobile’ life with qualigy by also providing design guidelines of living environment, and developing integrated dynamic balance evaluation technology and fall protecting device, focusing on safety considerations, for the elderly who live independently.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2628-E009-015-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/95872
Appears in Collections:Research Plans