標題: 行動廣告說服效果之探討
The Impact of Mobile Advertising on Persuasion
作者: 林慧斐
Lin Hui-Fei
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 近年來,隨著手機簡訊的發展,已經有相關的研究探討純文字簡訊服務(Short Messaging Service, SMS)之說服效果(例如: Muk, 2007; Zhang & Mao, 2008)。然而,多媒 體簡訊服務(Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS)之行動廣告影響力,尤其在行動定位 適地性服務(Location-based Service, LBS)、及時性(Timeliness)、互動性(Interaction)和客 製化(Customization)等行動廣告類型的研究甚少。然而,隨著智慧型手機的發展和普及 化,以及手機隨身攜帶等特性,行動廣告對消費者的影響力是不容忽視的。因此,本 研究目的將探討行動廣告的說服效果,以AIDA 理論(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) 為理論基礎來檢驗手機廣告種類(SMS & MMS)、行動定位適地性服務、及時性、互動 性、以及客製化的廣告類型對消費者的廣告態度(Attitude towards the Ad)和購買意願 (Purchase Intention)之影響。研究問題包括:(1)手機行動廣告的效果為何?(2)哪些因素 會影響手機行動廣告之說服效果?(3)消費者如何看待手機廣告? 本研究將執行兩項前測、兩個主實驗、以及深度訪談。實驗將設計師生導聚和宿 舍佈置的兩種情境,分別測試一個2(手機廣告的類型:SMS vs.MMS) x 2(行動定位:行動 定位適地性服務vs.無行動定位適地性服務) x 2(及時性:及時性服務vs.非及時性服務) 組間實驗,以及一個2(手機廣告類型: SMS vs. MMS) x 2(互動性廣告:互動性vs.無互動 性) x 2(客製化廣告:有客製化vs.無客製化)組間實驗。 本研究結果希望能夠在理論和實務上有所貢獻。在理論部分,藉由整合手機廣告類 型、行動定位適地性服務、及時性、互動性和客製化等行動廣告的相關概念,提供較 完整的新傳科技廣告效果之理論輪廓。在實務部份,希望提供行銷業者如何透過手機 平台,設計較佳說服效果的行動廣告,精準地接觸到消費者,達到最大的廣告效益。
Some existing studies have examined the persuasive effects of Short Message Service (SMS) (e.g., Muk, 2007; Zhang & Mao, 2008). However, the impact of Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) on persuasion, with particular focus on location-based services, timeliness, and interactivity and customized designs, has received little attention. Furthermore, due to ubiquitous accessibility, portability and highly personalized devices in the mobile phone market today, it would be valuable to gain insights on the impact of mobile phone advertisements on consumers. Specifically, this would focus on consumers’ perceptions on mobile advertisements, and the impact on their purchase intentions. In view of these, the purpose of this investigation is to explore effects of mobile advertisements on persuasion. Specifically, this study will examine two dimensions: whether the type of mobile advertisements (SMS & MMS), location-based services, timeliness, interactivity and customized designs influence consumers’ attitudes towards advertisements and purchase intentions; and which types of mobile advertisement designs are the most persuasive. In order to extend extant literature on mobile advertising, the following research questions are advanced: 1) what is the impact of mobile advertising on consumers’ attitudes towards advertisements and purchase intentions? 2) What are the factors that influence the impact of mobile advertising on persuasion? And 3) how do consumers process mobile advertisements? The theoretical foundations draw on the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) formula. Two pretests, two experiments and in-depth interviews will be conducted. Specifically, two scenarios, including dining out and room decoration, will be created for a two (type of mobile ads: SMS vs. MMS) x two (location feature: with location-based service vs. without location-based service) x two (timeliness feature: with timeliness-based service vs. not-just-in time service) between-subjects design and a two (type of mobile ads: SMS vs. MMS) x two (Interactive feature: with interactivity & without interactivity) x two (customized feature: with customization & without customization) between-subjects design, separately. The findings are expected to provide both theoretical and practical contributions. Extending prior mobile ad research by incorporating the notion of the type of mobile ad, location-based service, timeliness, and interactive and customized design could invaluably provide a more comprehensive theoretical contribution to explain mobile advertising effects in mass communication. In addition, the findings are expected to advise marketing communication practices about whether the mobile phone is a better platform to execute advertising strategies and which types of mobile advertisements can maximize persuasive effects.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-039-SS2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/96489
Appears in Collections:Research Plans