標題: 媒體暴力在線上遊戲的規範體制與情境意義
Ethics Regulation and Contextual Meanings of Media Violence on Online Games
作者: 張玉佩
Chang Yupei
關鍵字: 媒體暴力;線上遊戲;媒體規範;閱聽人研究;網路文化;media violence;online games;ethics organization of media;audience research;internet culture
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本計畫聚焦於「媒體暴力」,以線上遊戲為研究場域,嘗試從鉅觀之「規範 體制」與微觀之「情境意義」等兩個面向,共同瞭解遊戲暴力的多重意義體系。 研究預計採用政策資料分析、實地訪查、文本分析、深度訪談、行為觀察與田野 調查等多重研究方法,進行為期三年的研究執行。 本計畫的兩個重點面向,說明如下。第一,在「規範政策體制」下的遊戲媒 體暴力意義體系,將蒐集與比對北美ESRB、歐洲PEGI、日本CERO、韓國GRB 之組織結構、內容規範制度與衝突案例等資料,以彰顯媒體暴力在不同國家論述 體制下的意義與規範系統。第二,在「語言情境脈絡」下的遊戲媒體暴力意義體 系,將從文本框架、個人經驗與詮釋社群等三種情境脈絡,共同瞭解媒體暴力在 不同語言情境下的詮釋觀點。 透過「規範政策體制」與「語言情境脈絡」等兩方面之媒體暴力意義體系的 交匯,本計畫將可多層次瞭解線上遊戲的媒體暴力之意義體系,以期豐富學術研 究,並對於台灣相關政策等實務運用,提出進一步建言與貢獻。
Research on digital game violence has focused on the impact of aggression, but has so far neglected the process to be consumed by players and regulations established by the ethics organization of game industry. This project proposes a dual approach to demonstrate the significances of game violence: the micro speech-act contexts and the macro ethics regulation mechanisms. In the micro speech-act contexts, the proposal will focus on the meanings among the game texts, player experiences, and the explanatory communities while multiple research methods would be used including the pentad analysis, interviews, and field research. In the macro ethics regulation mechanisms, the proposal aims to investigate several self-regulatory bodies including Entertainment Soft Rating Board (USA & Canada), Pan European Game Information (most European), Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (Japan), and Game Rating Board (Korea). Through this research project, it will help us to think critically about media, especially online games as a cultural industry, and their potential for the circulation of information, for participatory citizenship, and for intellectual creativity.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2628-H009-025-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97074
Appears in Collections:Research Plans