標題: IP-Based接取網路架構與界面標準化研究
On the Architecture and Interface Standards of the IP-Based Access Networks
作者: 張仲儒
關鍵字: 接取網路;網際網路規約;數位用戶迴路;光纖迴路;光纖到家;光纖到大樓;光纖到路邊;Access Network;Internet Protocol (IP);Digital Subscriber Line (DSL);Fiber In The Loop (FITL);Fiber To The Home (FTTH);Fiber To The Building (FTTB)
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 接取網路為與終端使用者最直接相連的傳輸網路,主要即是做為提供使用者上網的傳輸媒體。由於網際網路的快速蓬勃發展,使得網際網路上的應用種類以及訊務量急遽增加,除了最基本的數據通訊之外,也加入了語音或影像等即時性多媒體類型的服務。這些多媒體服務需要高速的頻寬以提供使用者更多樣與更好的服務品質,然而現有的電話線路傳輸至網際網路所能提供的頻寬已不敷需求,接取網路寬頻化成為必然的趨勢。隨著政府電信自由化與NII寬頻到府政策,台灣固網開放及電信產業蓬勃發展的結果將逐漸實現寬頻網路的建構。 本研究計畫的研究範圍即是針對新型態的有線或無線寬頻接取網路技術,蒐集並研讀各項接取網路架構、界面技術與互連標準之相關規格或報告文件,探討各技術之架構、特性、使用環境及其發展過程,以分析未來接取網路之演進,並從網際網路接取應用的角度考量,以提出一份接取網路架構、技術及互連標準之演進與現況分析報告,其中包含各國接取網路架構與界面規格標準之發展現況觀察報告。同時也將參酌我國之本土化環境,包含地形、氣候、都會與鄉村人口聚集型態、現有網路基礎建設與未來使用者在寬頻多媒體服務的需求等,評估並提出適合國內使用之最佳IP-Based接取網路技術與架構之建議報告。並更進一步分析接取網路與骨幹網路界面(SNI)以及和用戶端界面(UNI)之網路互連界面標準化之可行性,並提出本土化可行之建議。
Access networks, the networks nearest to users, are the transport media to make users access to the Internet. With the blooming of Internet application services, the Internet traffic flow increases dramatically and the traffic flow from inter-network transmission also increases rapidly. Not only the basic data transmission but also some multimedia services (such as: voice, real-time video services) are also carried on the Internet. Broadband networks are necessary to support better performances or QoS guarantee of these various services. However, the conventional access mechanism by dialing up through telephone line can not afford that anymore and henceforth the broadband access networks are essential in the coming future. In this project, we will study various emerging wireless and wired access networks, and investigate the structure, configuration and transportation technologies of these networks. A research report will be delivered to summarize the development and evolution of these access networks, especially the application and implementation in several countries. Meanwhile, we will also propose some recommendations about the structure, configuration and technologies of the access networks for native uses according to IP-based access to the Internet, by referring to the local circumstances (e.g. the landforms, weather, metropolis or country, existing network infrastructure, demands of users under multimedia services, etc.) and the access networks which we have explored above. Furthermore, we will investigate these two interfaces: the inter-networking interface between access networks and core networks (SNI), and the interface between users and access networks (UNI). The possibility to standardize these two interfaces will be analyzed and some native standards will also be proposed if available.
官方說明文件#: sta06-902
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97106


  1. RRPG90040115.pdf

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