標題: 專利權濫用判斷之妥適取向
Adequate Approach to Identifying Patent Misuse
作者: 王立達
Li-dar Wang
關鍵字: 專利;權利濫用;競爭法;執法成本;交易成本;專利授權;合理原則;patent;misuse;antirust;competition;adjudication cost;transaction cost;patent license;rule of reason
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 申請人過去進行的兩項研究,對於專利權濫用原則(patent misuse doctrine)的意義、具體內涵及歷史發展已經有相當深入的瞭解,對於具爭議性的專利行使行為應否構成專利權濫用也分別有研究專論發表。然而本原則目前遭遇的根本問題,乃是適當的濫用判斷基本取向究竟何在,至今仍然混沌不明。若以美國法為例,至今實務曾經採取的「擴張專利範圍」與「競爭法」兩大判斷取向,對於本原則而言都有明顯缺陷存在,究竟以何者為當,或是應該另尋出路,目前學說理論仍然莫衷一是。本計畫將以就本原則已有相當發展歷史的美國法,以及新近接納作為專利侵權抗辯事由的德國法,作為主要研究素材。希望透過重新檢視兩國真實個案的事實狀況與法院對於濫用的實際判斷方式,考察主要判斷取向在實際個案中所呈現的優劣良窳與成本差異,思考何種判斷基調較能切合實際規範需求。再透過代表性論述與理論文獻的研讀,構思尋找具體的適當判斷取向。我國專利法方於100年12月刪除專利權濫用相關規定,回歸民法權利不得濫用之原則性規範。申請人希望藉由此一以美國素材為主、德國為輔的理論性研究,提供我國法接下來尋找專利權濫用妥適判斷取向時之有用參考。
The applicant has conducted two researches concerning the patent misuse doctrine. He has investigated the historical origin and contemporary contour of the doctrine, and commented on whether to condemn certain misbehaviors as misuse. The fundamental problem that the doctrine is now facing, however, is its basic approach to identifying misuse. There are two approaches in this regard ever appearing in the U.S. judicial decisions. The more traditional one is “beyond the patent scope” approach. The newer approach heavily tracks antitrust law principles. Yet both approaches posses significant flaws and deficiencies in light of the nature and functions of that doctrine. The applicant hereby proposes a research project purported to search for an adequate approach towards patent misuse. He will delve into abundant cases reported in the U.S. and Germany to see the real effect of the condemned misuse on competition and patent policies, and examine potential adjudication cost and error cost. On that basis, the project will go on to investigate prominent academic literature and court reasoning for assistance and enlightenment in identifying proper ways to realize the goal of patent misuse doctrine and minimize pertinent social cost. The patent law in Taiwan was just revised in December 2011, and the sole provision concerning misuse was deleted. The court must resort to general provisions in the civil code when patent misuse cases come forth in the future. A solid research on the approach to identifying patent misuse as proposed here will surely benefit our judicial system to deal with this issue more properly.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2410-H009-011
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97667