標題: 消費者加入線上集體購物影響因素之研究:從介面設計、個人特質、論點類型、與代言人觀點探討
Determinants of Online Group Buying Join Intention: Different Perspectives of Interface Design, Personal Characteristics, Argument Form and Celebrity Type
作者: 王蕙芝
關鍵字: 集購;價格曲線;廣告;Group Buying;Price Curve;Advertising
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 線上集體購物能透過Internet 無遠弗屆的傳遞效果,來群聚擁有相同產品服務需求的消 費者,並以此為基礎加強買方對賣方的議價能力。集體購物的最大特色在於「隨著交易 人數和訂購數量的增加,產品的價格會更加便宜,進而吸引更多人的加入,並引發另一 波的價格下降」。然而,實務中卻經常發生,沒有人願意在前期價格仍高時冒險加入, 導致價格無法下降,人數無法衝高,最後團購失敗的困境。因此瞭解消費者加入線上集 體購物的影響因素,以及如何解開這個「瓶頸」,就成了一個相當重要的議題。 本研究為四年期計畫,將從介面設計、個人特質、論點類型、代言人等多個觀點, 來探討影響消費者加入線上集體購物之因素。在第一年計畫中,我們結合廣告注意力理 論和認知負荷理論,設計出四種價格曲線的呈現格式,以分析不同格式對消費者的集體 購物加入意圖之影響及探究性別對於廣告呈現格式的偏好程度;第二年計畫則從個人特 質的角度切入,研究價格曲線的量價呈現模式與個人特質間是否存在適配關係;在第三 年計畫中,我們導入Toulmin 的argument model,探討不同的論點類型如何說服消費者 加入集體購物以及檢驗性別對於論點類型的資訊處理模式是否有差異;最後,在第四年 的計畫,我們整合了行銷的代言人觀點,思考該如何有效地運用代言人,來激發消費者 加入集體購物的意圖。 本研究已獲得義大利頂尖商學院 Luiss Univeristy 行銷組負責人 Professor Alberto Macati 的關注,邀請申請者在計畫進行期間,前往義大利蒐集資料並進行相關學術合作 事宜。本計劃的成果,將投稿到國外的知名期刊。企業亦能用來設計更有效率的集體購 物機制,讓消費者願意盡早加入集體購物,進而透過需求外部性的特質,吸引更多消費 者加入,以取得更好的營運績效。
The main idea of online group-buying is that consumers can leverage their collective bargaining power to lower the prices at which they buy the products they are interested in. By aggregating consumers’ demands for the same product, these consumers are able to benefit from the discounted price that is not available for single consumers. However, the “startup inertia” has become the biggest challenge for implement a successful group-buying. That is, consumers tend not to join the group-buying at the early stage while the price is still high, which may consequently lead to the auctions end with no buyer at the highest price. To solve this problem, this study was designed to propose four different strategies, that were interface design, personal factor, argument form, and celebrity type which were applied from the marketing theories. In the 1st year, theories of advertising attention capture and cognitive load were utilized to verify whether different price information forms (i.e. table, static bar figure, static line figure, and animated line figure) may influece consumers’ attention, leading to diverse attitude and join intention of group-buying. In the 2nd year, base on product involvement theory, the association between two different price trajectory and consumers’ attention and memory of the group-buying advertisement were examined. In the 3rd year, Toulmin’s argument model was used to build the research model and examine how three diverse argument forms (i.e. claim only, claim plus data plus warrant, claim plus data plus backing) may influece consumers’ join intention of group-buying under the effects of gender. Finally, in the 4th year, celebrity strategies were the foundation of the research model in an effort to reveal that if more-/less-involved consumers may differ in their join intention of group-buying across the three different types of celebrities. Professor Alberto Marcati, who is the head of Marketing section at Luiss University at Italy, have presented great interests to join this research project. Unlike previous study suggesting the sellers to apply different types of incentives which increases the buyer’s surplus by decreasing the seller’s benefit, this study’s findings will provide the sellers more options of effective advertising strategies to conquer the problem of startup inertia in developing a successful group buying mechanism.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2628-H009-026-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97687