Title: | 我國性交易產業之立法與管制─從女性主義探討娼妓除罪化問題(GM01) The Legislation and Regulation of Taiwan$S Sex Industry: a Discussion of the Decriminalization of Prostitution through Feminist Perspectives |
Authors: | 林志潔 Lin Chih-Chieh 國立交通大學科技法律研究所 |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 2011 年年底,我國社會秩序維護法針對性交易修正施行新管制模式,改採設立專區 的方式以矯正過往罰娼不罰嫖所致社會不平等之缺點。惟此一匆促立法引發社會許多批
評,更有學者指出新法施行之結果將導致實際上娼嫖皆罰之效果,而更不利於社會兩性 平等之促進。
對於性交易所持之觀點,女性主義學者間意見分歧。有論者認為,性交易是男性霸 權所呈現之結果,不僅傷害性工作者個人之人性尊嚴,亦強化了社會對於女性之刻板印
象;有持不同觀點之女性主義學者認為,女性從事性工作是針對傳統社會規制女性性行 為對象之挑戰,反而有利於解放女性,且處罰性工作者將促使性交易地下化,更不利於
社會控管;或有抱持折衷觀點者,認為性交易的存在本身即是社會性別不平等所致,但 處罰只是對原本弱勢之女性族群更加不利,政府應介入規範。不論如何,性交易之制度
設計皆有其重要性,蓋其不僅反映了社會對於性別角色之潛意識,亦將反向形塑社會之 面貌,對於整體社會之性別平等甚有影響。
本研究將藉由各女性主義之脈絡與理論,對於我國性交易之法律規範進行探討:除 了釐清現行法律下,性交易「專區」之管制方式以及延伸問題之外,並進而思考性工作
者之人權暨工作權保障,同時兼顧社會大眾安全與全體國民健康。最後,綜合上述法規 回顧與實證研究,本研究將提出較符合社會潮流與性別正義之性交易管制政策,以俾促 進台灣社會性別主流化。 At the end of 2011, The Social Order Maintenance Law in Taiwan starts enforcing new restrictions on prostitution by setting a specific district for legal sex trades. This new restriction aims to avoid unequal punishments on the vulnerable prostitutes. However, this hasty legislation has been criticized extensively; many scholars indicate that this restriction would punish both the prostitutes and buyers and lead to a more difficult way to eliminate the social inequality. Feminism on the issue of prostitution has different opinions. Some feminists support the view that prostitution is the outcome of the men hierarchy for sex trades would not only do harm to sex workers’ human dignity, but also reinforce gender stereotypes. Some feminists hold the opposite view, which states that women in prostitution would change the traditional constraints on women’s freedom of choosing sex partners, and liberate women in the end. Furthermore, it is more difficult for government to regulate the black market activity of sex trades while criminalizing it. Besides, despite the thought that it is prostitution which builds up the social inequality between men and women, the others regard the punishment on the prostitutes would make the situation worse since most of them are economically and socially disadvantaged minorities. In any case, the regulating policy of sex trades has its importance since it not only reflects people’s subconsciousness of gender class, but also has its power to re-build the outside image of our society. This research will review the regulations of prostitution in Taiwan and shed light on the policy of “the district for prostitution” through Feminism approach. By clarifying the potential problems of regulating policies, this study wants to find out the best way to protect the prostitutes’ right to work, as well as the social security and the national health simultaneously. In a nutshell, through the process of advancing advantageous policy of prostitution, this research aims to promote gender equality and gender mainstreaming in Taiwan. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2629-H009-001 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97701 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2597711&docId=393493 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |