標題: 應用模擬遊戲克服企業不採用拉式供應鏈管理模式的三個障礙
Using Simulation Game to Overcome Three Obstacles in Adopting Pull Supply Chain System
作者: 李榮貴
關鍵字: 供應鏈管理;存貨管理;拉式與推式系統;Supply chain management;Inventory management;Pull/Push system
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 低庫存與高可得的供貨是供應鏈管理的首要目標,為達此目標,消費性產品 供應鏈參與者,他們會在拉式運作系統或推式運作系統之間擇一而行。雖然 拉式系統的觀念是相當的簡單,也有很多成功實施案例的研究報告,然而實 際上推式系統依然盛行於產業界。從與實務界經理人員的訪談中,我們發現 三大障礙妨礙拉式系統的推行。第一個障礙是對拉式系統缺乏了解與對何謂 拉式系統缺少一個確切的定義。此造成有些管理者認為他們已實行了拉式系 統,但實際上他們仍然是在實行推式系統。第二個障礙是對拉式系統能夠有 性的應付高需求變化缺乏信心。第三個障礙是認為即使自己先採行拉式運作 模式對供應鏈整體績效幫助也不大,甚至會傷害到自己,因此不願意做拉式 系統運作的改變。因此本計畫設計兩個模擬遊戲,第一個是兩階一對一的供 應鏈系統(一個供給端對一個需求端),第二個是一個三階一對多的供應鏈系 統(一個生產工廠對五個區域倉庫,每一個區域倉庫對四家零售商客戶)來, 來幫助管理者克服此三個障礙。我們期望此本計畫的貢獻可以引起談灣的公 司重新檢討他們的供應鏈管理模式,願意嘗試思考採行拉式供應鏈運作模式 的可行性,進而建立其供應鏈競爭能力。
Low inventory with high availability is the primary objective for supply chain management. Achieving this objective requires that the supply chain chooses between two approaches; a push system or a pull system. Despite its simplicity and numerous reports of successful pull system implementations, the push system remains prevalent. Interviews with local managers reveal three obstacles to pull systems: The first obstacle is the lack of a precise definition of pull systems and a general ignorance among managers regarding the concept of pull systems. As a result, some managers may think they are running a pull system, but are actually using a push system. The second is lack of confidence in the ability of pull system to handle a high degree of variability in demand. The third one is they do not believe that the actions to achieve good local performance can be aligned with those required to achieve good global performance. Therefore, we designed two supply chain simulation games (one is a two layers one-to one system, the other is a three-layers one to five regional warehouses and each warehouse serves four retailers) to help managers to determine: (1) whether they were using a push system or a pull system in their environment; (2) whether the pull system is better than the push system, even with high degree of variability in demand; and (3) actions to achieve good local performance can be aligned with those required to achieve good global performance We expect the contribution of this study can raise the willingness of Taiwan companies (especially for those fashion products manufacturers) to re-examine the potential benefits of implementation of a pull system and determine such a move suitable.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2221-E009-106
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97702


  1. 1012221E009106.PDF

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