Title: | 都會區區排護岸安全分佈式監測及分析模式之研究(2/2) Study of Embankment Safety Monitoring and Analysis Modelling in Urban Area Drainage System |
Authors: | 楊錦釧 Jinn-Chuang Yang 國立交通大學 |
Keywords: | 都會區;區域排水;護岸安全;預警;自動化監測;urban area;drainage system;embankment safety;early warning;automatic monitoring |
Issue Date: | 2014 |
Abstract: | 台灣近年來每逢颱風或超大豪雨,除造成淹水災害外,強大的水流衝擊力造成防洪結構物的嚴重損壞,影響到兩岸居民生命財產的安全。基於此,實有針對水流如何破壞防洪構造物進行相關研究及探討之必要。目前常用之水理分析模式,較無法精確模擬水流衝擊現象,另外傳統的現場監測,大多針對水位及淹水範圍,缺乏對構造物本身相關資料的蒐集,故較難掌握結構物的破壞情況。 本計畫嘗試研究適用於都會區區排全河段模擬之高精度三維水理模式,以期能解析高強度降雨下渠道內之複雜流況,並探討其對護岸安全之影響;此外本計畫亦將研究探討分布式多點自動監測設備,用以即時監測區排護岸脆弱段之情形,並研提自動化分布式區域排水護岸即時監測預警架構,最後將研究成果應用於選定之都會區區排,提供未來規劃及管理單位參考,以彰顯其實務面之應用價值。 In this project, we attempt to develop a high-precision three-dimensional hydrodynamic model applicable to the entire urban area drainage system during the high-intensity rainfall events. It is expected to be able to study the complex flow phenomena and explore its impact on the safety of the channel embankment. Furthermore, the project also will install distributed multi-point automatic equipment for real-time monitoring the embankment safety in vulnerable sections and establish the early warning system in urban area drainage embankment. Finally, the research outcomes will be applied to selected urban area drainage system, and the achievements will be valuable for future planning and management for water resource agency. |
Gov't Doc #: | MOEAWRA1030034 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98127 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=8204089&docId=435197 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |