Title: 非線性孤立波之數值解析及其動力特性探討
Numerical Solution for the Nonlinear Solitary Wave and Its Dynamic Properties
Authors: 張憲國
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 由往昔地震引致海嘯資料顯示,尤其2004 年之印尼外海強烈的地震,能造成近十
海嘯特性。解析海嘯傳遞過程多視海嘯為單一長波(long wave) 處理,或者以孤立波
(solitary wave)解析之。本計畫分析往昔研究成果發現仍有些問題如(1)有限振幅孤
描述孤立波軌跡之方法及結果。(4)最大孤立波波峰分岐奇異點之夾角是90o 或120o,
本計劃欲以2 年時間有系統分析探討符合精度且實用之非線性孤立波之數值解析,可
立波基本解之tanh 形式(即tanh 孤立波),分析低階孤立波之運動軌跡及漂移速度;
以數值collocation 方法計算極座標形式之孤立波解,解析小至大孤立波之動力特性,
Tsunamis induced by seabed earthquake can cause thousands of people death and coastal
disasters. The vigorous Indian ocean tsunami happened in Dec. 2004 makes scientists and
scholars to pay more attentions and researches on the mechanics and process of tsunamis.
Tsunami is generally taken as a long wave or a solitary wave. From detailed review on
previous works on tsunamis, some drawbacks in the methodology and results would be
solved to accurately calculate the dynamic properties of tsunamis for coastal engineering.
These are (1) convergence of series solution; (2) unavailable explicit expresses for dynamic
properties of solitary waves; (3) unavailable description for particle trajectory of a solitary
wave; (4) controversial issue of the crest angle of the highest solitary wave for the
branch-point singularity, 90o or 120o, and unavailable description for whole highest solitary
The proposed two-year project is to investigate a numerical method with high accuracy
to calculate the dynamic properties of a nonlinear solitary wave from drawf solitary wave to
the extreme solitary wave. In first-year project, basic tanh-form solution for a solitary wave
will be first derived for low-order perturbation approximation and high-order numerical
approximation in the next-year work. Drift velocity and particle trajectory will be
determined to estimate the movement of pollutants in the sea due to solitary waves. In the
second-year project, basic expression for the solution in polar form will be transformed from
the z-plane form to fit the collocation method for numerical computation. Dynamic
properties of solitary waves from small-amplitude to the extreme waves will be computed
and expressed by empirical explicit forms for engineering applications.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2221-E009-027
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98186
Appears in Collections:Research Plans