標題: 柱型物件搬運用機械手臂之創新與節能設計
Innovative Design of Energy Saving Robot on Transporting Cylindrical Object
作者: 鄭璧瑩
關鍵字: 節能效益;重力平衡;等張力;機械手臂;柱狀工件;Energy saving;Gravity balance;Constant tension;Robot arm;Cylindrical object
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在裝設如電線杆等大型柱狀工件時往往需要出動大型吊車,但有時會因為場地限制 而無法前往且費用昂貴,且綠色環保意識高漲,節能減碳已成為大家的課題,本研究擬 設計能安裝於中小型工程車上並能撐舉柱狀工件的機械手臂來取代大型工程機具或耗 費人工的傳統作業方式。 在舉撐與運搬柱狀工件的機械手臂的機構設計構想方面,本研究擬同時採用重力平 衡與等張力等理論,應用於機構系統設計中。將利用重力支撐輔助彈簧的彈性位能來轉 換機構各姿態瞬間連桿本身的重力位能,達到靜態或準靜態平衡的預設條件。而手端桿 件及抓取物的重力負荷則利用扭捲式彈簧提供等張力的概念來完成大部分的穩定重力 補償,據而建構具有節能與省力效果的施工用機械手臂,結合高機械利益的機構系統與 節能控制的方法,減輕大部分因機械結構與重物負荷造成的驅動功率的消耗,同時規劃 機械手臂在空間運載重物時節能的動力負載軌跡與路線。為確認重力平衡組件與等張力 裝置的組合效益,本研究採用動態分析模擬系統探討各型重力補償機構裝設方式對於改 善機械手臂的機械利益的影響,並探討柱狀工件移動速度軌跡的規劃對於各驅動軸驅動 器的作動扭矩及功率的影響。本研究同時亦規劃實作檢測裝置,透過實際驅動器功率消 耗狀況; 實驗數據將與模擬分析數據比較,驗證本研究所規劃設計的柱狀工件施工用 機械手臂具有節能與省力的顯著實用效果。本研究成果應用方面以裝設於中小型工程車 的機械手臂進行運搬與架設柱狀工件(如:電線杆、I 型樑或路燈等)為研究目標,期能達 成提升機械手臂機械效益的目標,進而建構出更節能與便捷的施工用機器人系統,以有 助於施工自動化設備的工程效率與環保節能的維護與改善。
Large scale construction crane is usually called to install the huge size civil construction utility or cylindrical object. Since the large cranes cannot easily move to the destination position due to rugged and cramped road conditions and expensive cost required. So, the study proposes to create a robot manipulator which can be installed on a construction truck in the scale of small or middle size and can carry and transport heavy cylindrical object instead of huge size crane. For increasing the the cylindrical object carrying performance, the study proposes the hybrid design concept as the innovative design kernel of the cylindrical object installation and construction manipulator system. The hybrid design concept can help to improve the carrying capacity includes the gravity balance theory and constant tension method. The regional structure composed of two joints link system is assisted by using the gravity balance theory to support major part of the weight of each link and their accessories. The gravity force compensation of the gripper arm and cylindrical loading object is planned to be suspended by constant tension equipment. This mentioned load suspension equipment design can expected to reduce the requirement of the actuating torque or power particular in the case of static and quasi static operation as carrying the heavy cylindrical object for construction. The result as significant energy saving can thus be highly expected. In the study, the simulation results will also be verified and evaluated by using practical performance testing or experiment. The feasible driving motors and the dynamic performance of the proposed robot manipulator for carrying and installing the cylindrical object will also be evaluated and investigated based on some demonstrated examples.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2221-E009-124
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98202