Title: 微奈米快速原型
Micro/Nano Rapid Prototype
Authors: 洪紹剛
Hung Shao-Kang
Keywords: 快速原型;原子力顯微術;浸筆微刻;光機電系統;rapid prototype;atomic force microscopy;dip-pen lithography;opto-mechatronics
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 快速原型 (rapid prototype, RP) 是一種成熟的技術,廣泛地運用在各種產業。傳統 的快速原型機最好的橫向解析度約在數十微米。本計畫的目的是利用原子力顯微鏡 (atomic force microscopy, AFM) 為基礎的浸筆微刻法 (dip-pen lithography) 發展超高解 析度的三維快速原型技術,橫向解析度由原子力顯微鏡探針針尖 (~10nm) 決定。既有 的浸筆微刻法通常以化學方法結合基材與墨料,但無法堆疊墨料,故僅能製作單層二維 圖形。本計畫第一年專注在二維小面積的 (~5050 m2) 工作項目,追求橫向解析度的 極限。第二年專注在三維立體結構,探討不同的材料與結合方法實現多層疊合。第三年 的工作項目是大面積 (~5050 mm2) 立體結構製作,追求實際的應用價值,例如超細線 寬 (~20nm) 光罩與圖案化藍寶石基板 (pattern sapphire substrate, PSS)。
Rapid prototype (RP) is a mature technology and plays an important role in various industrials. The best resolution of a traditional RP machine is tens of micrometers. The purpose of this project is to develop an ultra high resolution 3-dimesional RP technology, which is based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dip-pen lithography. Its lateral resolution is determined by the tip size (~10nm) of an AFM probe. Traditional dip-pen lithography uses chemical methods to combine the substrate and the ink material, but the same chemical reaction can’t be applied between layers of ink material. Therefore, traditional dip-pen lithography can only fabricate single layer structure. In the first year, this project focuses on pushing the lateral resolution to limit. The working area is defined within 5050 m2 with a single layer structure. In the second year, the goal is to fabricate 3-dimesional structures. Various materials and combining methods will be surveyed in order to realize multi-layer stacking. In the third year, the working area is defined at 5050 mm2 with multi-layer structures. Real applications, such as thin-line (~20nm) photolithography mask and pattern sapphire substrate (PSS), will be chased.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2221-E009-017
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98225
Appears in Collections:Research Plans