Title: 大氣PM2.5水溶性無機微粒與前趨氣體之監測技術
Monitoring Technology of Ambient PM2.5 Water Soluable Inorganic Particles and Their Precursor Gases
Authors: 蔡春進
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本國環保署正積極地規劃PM2.5 的空氣品質管制策略,預計數年內會訂定PM2.5 的空氣
PM2.5 污染源的了解及有效控制策略的制定。目前巿售的氣體-微粒自動監測儀器的價格
十分昂貴,每台約在500~600 萬元之間,且美國環保署的評估報告認為這些自動監測儀
塗敷奈米TiO2 微粒的平行平板製成超親水的表面,成功的開發了一個平行平板的濕式
16.8~615 nm 微粒的收集效率可達96.9~99.7%,且收集效率不受收集電極板上的微粒負
荷的影響。本計劃擬利用以上的PPWD 及WEP 的技術,結合雙頻道離子層析儀作成一
個準確性高的無機PM2.5 微粒與其前趨氣體的半連續監測系統,預計在三年之內完成系
Taiwan EPA is currently planning for the PM2.5 control strategy and will establish the PM2.5
ambient air quality standard in the next several years. Therefore, it is important to monitor
ambient aerosol particles and their precursor gases in real time to provide useful data for
understanding PM2.5 sources, and establishing an effective control strategy. The commercial
gas-particle monitors are expensive, which costs from 5 ~ 6 million NT per unit and the
assessment report of the US EPA indicated that the accuracy of these monitors required
further validation. Therefore, further research and development of the real time monitors are
needed. Our research team has made use of sand-blasted, TiO2 nanoparticles coated parallel
plates having super-hydrophilicity to develop a parallel plate wet denuder (PPWD)
successfully. The PPWD is used for automatic acid gas sampling, and the absorption
efficiency for HF, HNO3 and HCl was shown to reach nearly 100 %. A single stage wet
electrostatic precipitator (WEP) was also developed which has the collection efficiency
ranging from 96.9~99.7% for particles of 16.8~615 nm in diameter. There is no influence of
particle loading on the collection plates on the collection efficiency. This project will integrate
the above PPWD and WEP techniques with a dual channel ion chromatography to develop a
semi-continuous monitor for monitoring the ambient PM2.5 soluble ions and the precursor
gases simultaneously. In the proposed three year period, this project is expected to finish the
design and assembly, the calibration test in the laboratory, and the field validation by using
manual denuder samplers in the ambient atmosphere.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2221-E009-038-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98276
Appears in Collections:Research Plans