标题: | 大气PM2.5水溶性无机微粒与前趋气体之监测技术 Monitoring Technology of Ambient PM2.5 Water Soluable Inorganic Particles and Their Precursor Gases |
作者: | 蔡春进 TSAI CHUEN - JINN 国立交通大学环境工程研究所 |
公开日期: | 2012 |
摘要: | 本国环保署正积极地规划PM2.5 的空气品质管制策略,预计數年内会订定PM2.5 的空气 品质标准,因此大气气胶及其前趋气体的即时监测十分重要,可提供有用的數据以助于 PM2.5 污染源的了解及有效控制策略的制定。目前巿售的气体-微粒自动监测仪器的价格 十分昂贵,每台约在500~600 万元之间,且美国环保署的评估报告认为这些自动监测仪 器的准确度仍有待确认,因此有进一步研究开发的必要。本研究团队曾利用喷砂处理及 涂敷奈米TiO2 微粒的平行平板制成超亲水的表面,成功的开发了一个平行平板的湿式 分離器(PPWD),可用于酸性气体的自动吸收采样,针对氢氟酸、盐酸和硝酸三种气体 吸收效率几乎可达100%;而另一个开发成功的单极的湿式静电集尘器(WEP),对直径 16.8~615 nm 微粒的收集效率可达96.9~99.7%,且收集效率不受收集电极板上的微粒负 荷的影响。本计划拟利用以上的PPWD 及WEP 的技术,结合双频道離子层析仪作成一 个准确性高的无机PM2.5 微粒与其前趋气体的半連续监测系统,预计在三年之内完成系 统的设计、安装、实验室的校正测试,并利用人工的固气分離器在大气环境中进行此自 动监测器的验证工作。 Taiwan EPA is currently planning for the PM2.5 control strategy and will establish the PM2.5 ambient air quality standard in the next several years. Therefore, it is important to monitor ambient aerosol particles and their precursor gases in real time to provide useful data for understanding PM2.5 sources, and establishing an effective control strategy. The commercial gas-particle monitors are expensive, which costs from 5 ~ 6 million NT per unit and the assessment report of the US EPA indicated that the accuracy of these monitors required further validation. Therefore, further research and development of the real time monitors are needed. Our research team has made use of sand-blasted, TiO2 nanoparticles coated parallel plates having super-hydrophilicity to develop a parallel plate wet denuder (PPWD) successfully. The PPWD is used for automatic acid gas sampling, and the absorption efficiency for HF, HNO3 and HCl was shown to reach nearly 100 %. A single stage wet electrostatic precipitator (WEP) was also developed which has the collection efficiency ranging from 96.9~99.7% for particles of 16.8~615 nm in diameter. There is no influence of particle loading on the collection plates on the collection efficiency. This project will integrate the above PPWD and WEP techniques with a dual channel ion chromatography to develop a semi-continuous monitor for monitoring the ambient PM2.5 soluble ions and the precursor gases simultaneously. In the proposed three year period, this project is expected to finish the design and assembly, the calibration test in the laboratory, and the field validation by using manual denuder samplers in the ambient atmosphere. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC99-2221-E009-038-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98276 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2396557&docId=381752 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |