標題: 多媒體數位版權管理技術於行動裝置上之應用
Applications of Multimedia Copyright Management Techniques on Mobile Devices
作者: 蔡文祥
關鍵字: 多媒體數位版權管理;版權保護;內容驗證;秘密傳輸;資訊隱藏;可視浮 水印;不可視浮水印;秘密分享;行動裝置;Multimedia digital copyright management;copyright protection;digital content authentication;secret communication;visible watermark;invisible watermark;secret sharing;mobile device
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著網路技術的發展,越來越多人將多媒體檔案透過行動裝置或網路進行傳播或共 享,然而如此傳播或共享的檔案很有可能受到攻擊、竊取或竄改,造成嚴重的個人智慧 財產權之侵害。本研究團隊於 2009 年至 2012 年間執行「數位典藏與數位學習國家型科 技計畫」之「多媒體數位版權管理新技術與應用之研究」計畫,已建立一實驗性的多媒 體數位版權管理與驗證中心,管理多媒體數位內容的運用,具有版權保護、真偽驗證、 秘密傳輸等功能。本團隊亦曾於 2004 到 2009 年間發展一數位內容保護軟體「資訊保護 家」,並舉辦說明會,提供給國內數十家數位圖書館與數位博物館使用。此外,本團隊 曾參加數位典藏國家型計畫辦公室舉辦的浮水印技術評比競賽,獲得大型彩色影像組與 一般彩色影像組雙料冠軍。 本計畫擬延續這些成果,繼續研發,並推廣至法人機構(工研院)及產業界,做法是 研發「應用於手機和網站上」之多種多媒體檔案的版權保護技術,包括「版權宣告、內 容驗證與秘密傳輸」等技術,並擬與工研院合作開發這些技術的手機 Apps。更詳言之, 本計畫擬以兩年時間進行下列研究主題及項目。 第一年研究主題  多媒體數位版權管理技術於手機上之應用 (一)手機上影像可視浮水印技術之開發 (二)手機影像加不可視 DRM 浮水印作版權保護 (三)手機影像之驗證 (四)以可視浮水印保護手機上視訊之播放及其移除 第二年研究主題 多媒體數位版權管理技術於網站上之應用 (一)適用社群網站之人像卡通化及註解資訊之隱藏 (二)以多媒體檔案作秘密傳輸 (三)視訊版權保護及下載觀看之管控 (四)特定群體之影像分享 另本計畫亦將尋找潛力廠商,引導其於研發後期參與本計畫,並協助其開發相關產 品,提升國際競爭力。
With the development of network technology, more and more people spread or share multimedia files through the internet or by mobile devices. However, such files, while being kept or transmitted, might possibly be tampered by malicious users, leading to serious problems of intellectual property infringement. During 2009 through 2012, the research group of this project has completed a project entitled “A Study on New Techniques and Their Applications for Multimedia Digital Rights Management” supported financially by the “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program.” In this project, an experimental center for digital rights management (DRM) and authentication of multimedia was built for managing the usage of multimedia files and providing the functions of copyright protection, content authentication, and covert communication. In the past, the research group has developed a software package “Information Protector” for digital content protection during 2004 through 2009, and delivers it to all the digital library and museums in Taiwan for use. In addition, the research group has won double awards in a contest held by the National Digital Archives Program. Based on the above mentioned achievements, this project will continue to develop new techniques and transfer the results to the industry. It is planned to conduct investigations of several multimedia DRM techniques for use on mobile phones and websites, including copyright declaration, content authentication, and secret communication. It is also proposed to cooperate with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to develop mobile phone Apps for DRM purposes based on the developed techniques. In more detail, this two-year project will conduct researches of the following topics. (I) 1st-year research  applications of multimedia DRM techniques on mobile phones (1) Visible watermarking techniques for images on mobile phones (2) Invisible watermarking techniques for copyright protection of images on mobile phones (3) Image authentication techniques on mobile phones (4) Removable visible watermarking techniques for video playing on mobile phones (II) 2nd-year research  applications of multimedia digital copyright management techniques on websites (1) Secret communication via multimedia files (2) Video copyright protection and its application to video downloading (3) Image sharing among members of a specific group (4) Cartoonization of personal images and metadata embedding for use on social websites
官方說明文件#: NSC101-3113-P009-006
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98330