标题: 行动合作网通之无线讯号与讯息处理技术研究-子计画二:合作型感知通讯之机会式传输技术
Opportunistic Transmission Techniques for Cooperative Cognitive Communications
作者: 冯智豪
Fung Carrson C.
关键字: 稳健前置编码设计;感知无线电;稳健资源分配;合作式通讯;robust precoder design;cognitive radio;robust resource allocation;cooperative communications
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 由于最近研究结果显示,核照频谱90%的时间处于闲置状态,也因许多通讯设备皆使用ISM频谱,不难想像想像不久之将来,无线通讯将面临频谱匮乏的窘境。感知无线是解决此问题的技术。感知技术可以让感知使用者在不干扰使用者的前提之下进行传输。其中最常被讨论的就是交错法(Interweave method),或称为先听后说(Listen before talk, LBT),感知使用者必须先侦测是否有其他使用者正在使用该频段,以避免扰乱正在进行的传输。此模式可应用在自我组态(self-configuring) 的无线网路,例如物联网。 LBT有其优点,但也有其缺点。缺点是感知使用者必须等到无使用者占用频带时方可使用,频谱效能必然降低。相较于前述方法,机会式空间频谱分享更能提升频谱效能。拜多根天线所赐,感知传输端可调整能量传输方向以避免造能对其他使用者的干扰。然而,这种方法仍然仰赖精确的通道资讯,事实上,通道资讯都无法如此精确。本计画中,我们将针对单一使用者以及多重使用者进行在MIMO以及MIMO-OFDM的感知系统中之稳健机会式传输技术之研究。藉由提出较不保守的错误模型,所提出的方法将会在位元错误率上比之前的方法有更好的效能。我们也将提出方法以改善“机率限制最佳方法”的缺点。即便如此,此所提的稳健传输效能也只是次佳的,这是因为假设所有的通道资源包含中继点都是同等重要。这样的假设并不实际,因为所有的通道包含中继点都是会变化的。因此,针对这一点我们将分别对直接传输以及中继系统传输提出稳健资源分配的解决方法。我们将研究在通道不确定的前提之下,资源如何做到最佳分配。此问题包含决定通道数目、中继点数,以及通道是如何备使用的。以下是未来两年工作项目第一年 在感知无线MIMO/MIMO-OFDM系统上开发稳健机会传输演算法 a. 单一使用者 b. 多重使用者 将演算法以MATLAB实现第二年 在感知无线MIMO/MIMO-OFDM系统上开发单模以及多模稳健资源分配演算法 a. 直接传输系统 b. 中继协传系统 i. 单一中继站 ii. 虚拟天线阵列 将演算法以MATLAB实现
Recent studies have indicated that spectrum under utilization problem is a serious one, with many licensed frequency bands being unused 90 percent of the time. Moreover, with the flurry of communication devices operating in the ISM band and with a large amount being introduced, it will not be hard to envision in the future, devices designed for this band will find it difficult to find available spectrum for transmission. Cognitive radio has recently been proposed to alleviate these problems by allowing the cognitive radios to opportunistically transmit without causing noticeable interference to other users. Several different cognitive transmission techniques have already been proposed, with most attention given to “listen before talk” (LBT) or interweave method, which requires accurate detection of users already occupying the “spectrum” (frequency spectrum, spatial spectrum, temporal spectrum, etc.) so that the cognitive user does not stumble across existing users. It has been envisioned that such scenario will be applicable to self-configuring wireless network, such as Internet of Things. Despite its advantages, LBT is not an efficient method for cognitive transmission as the cognitive users have to wait for an available channel before transmission. Opportunistic spatial sharing has recently been proposed to solve this spectral inefficiency problem by allowing cognitive radio terminals to transmit simultaneously with other users without causing noticeable interference to the primary users. This is achieved by exploiting design freedom made available by multiple antennas at the cognitive transmitters such that signal emitted by them is steered away from other users. However, this can only be achieved when the accurate channel state information or channel distribution information are available, which is not realistic. In this work, robust opportunistic transmission techniques for single-user/multiuser MIMO and MIMO-OFDM cognitive systems will be investigated to tackle such problem. The proposed technique will outperform previously proposed worst case performance methods in literature in terms of BER by treating the channel mismatch less conservatively. The proposed approach will also aim to overcome the shortcoming which exists in probability constrained optimization approach. Performance of the proposed robust transmission scheme will only achieve suboptimal performance as it assumes all resources, both channel and relay nodes, are of equal importance. This assumption is unrealistic because the quality of the channel and relays undergoes constant variation. Thus, we intend to tackle the robust resource allocation problem for direct transmission only and relay-assisted systems. Our work will investigate the problem of how these resources should be best allocated for optimal transmission under the premise that uncertainty in the channels exists. This problem will include determination of the number of (virtual) channels (spatial, spectral, temporal) and relay nodes, and which (virtual) channels and relays nodes are used. Below is a summary of our proposed work: 1st year: #15; Devise robust opportunistic transmission algorithm for MIMO/MIMO-OFDM cognitive radio networks. – Single-user systems. – Multiuser systems. #15; Implementation of such algorithms in MATLAB. 2nd year: #15; Devise unimode and multimode robust resource allocation algorithms for MIMO/MIMO-OFDM cognitive radio systems. – Direct transmission only systems. – Relay-assisted systems. #3; Single relay selection. #3; Virtual antenna array. #15; Implementation of such algorithms in MATLAB.
官方说明文件#: NSC101-2219-E009-019
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98391
显示于类别:Research Plans


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