標題: 以慎思可能性模式檢視小團體成員個人特質,電腦中介傳播,及小團體決策品質之相關性
Using Elaboration Likelihood Model to Examine the Relationships among Members’ Attributes, Computer-Mediated Communication, and Small Groups’ Decision-Making Quality
作者: 李秀珠
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 慎思可能性模式主張人們思考訊息的方式有兩種,一為中央路徑,二為採用邊陲路 徑。所謂的中央路徑就是對訊息的內容加以周詳地審視及評估,檢驗其合理性及邏輯 性,最後再根據現有的證據及資料做出判斷來,這樣的思考模式就是功能學派所謂的批 判性思考,功能學派的學者認為,小團體成員採用多少程度的批判性思考,會進而影響 小團體的工作表現,而影響人們採用中央路徑來做訊息處理的因素為個人相關性及個人 的認知需求,因此,本研究認為,個人相關性(即工作參與度)及個人的認知需求這兩 個個人特質會影響成員採用中央路徑的多寡(即採用批判性思考的多寡),進而影響小 團體的工作表現。另外,在電腦中介傳播的環境下,小團體成員在進行傳播時,其唯一 可以接觸其他成員的方式就是電腦螢幕上的訊息,根據慎思可能性模式的觀點,當沒有 其他干擾的時候,小團體成員只能看到電腦螢幕上的訊息時,成員比較可能採用中央路 徑的方式來進行小團體傳播。本研究將結合慎思可能性模式及功能學派的理論觀點為主 要的理論架構,檢視成員的兩個個人特質—個人認知需求及個人相關性—及電腦中介傳 播對小團體工作表現的影響。
The functional theory of group decision making tries to account for the relationship between communication and group performance and this theory suggests that the amount of critical thinking that group members use in their communication is the key characteristic that results in effective group performance. According to elaboration likelihood model, individuals process information by adopting either the central route or the peripheral route. The central route is characterized by the careful evaluation of message content, while the peripheral route involves peripheral cues that are often independent of the message content. For members to fully utilize their cognitive resources, it is important for them to adopt the central route in processing information. Under the CMC condition, the only available cues for group members are the typed messages on the computer screen; thus it is more likely for group members to adopt the central route in their group discussions. This study adopts elaboration likelihood model and the functional perspective on group decision making to examine the relationships among members’ personal attributes, CMC, and group performance.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-034-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98604