標題: 大陸鄰港保稅物流作業現況發展之研究—海西經濟區
The study of bonded logistics operation in China - Economic Zone of the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait
作者: 姚銘忠
Ming-Jong Yao
關鍵字: 自由貿易區;物流;港埠;關務;Free Trade Zone;Logistics;Port;Custom
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本計畫將針對港口物流整體發展趨勢及兩岸貨物流通的相關規範下,對臺灣產業及港口所產生的商機與問題進行探討,並擇定海西經濟區鄰港保稅物流作業發展現況作進一步之研究。本計畫將著眼於臺灣自由貿易港區與海西經濟區之港口比較分析、海運分析、港口腹地產業分析、關稅作業、臺灣自由貿易港區與大陸保稅作業未來可能合作模式探討及合作相關問題及因應對策。
This study would first investigate the development trend of port logistics in the world, and examine the possible business opportunities and problems caused for the industries and major ports of Taiwan under the regulation rules for the cargo transportation across both straights. In this proposal, we would first employ the Special Economic Zone of Western Straight (or, Heisey Special Economic Zone) in China as the focus of our investigation. We plan to conduct full comparison analysis on the harbor terminal facilities, marine transportation, industrial analysis on port hinterland, custom clearance and tax systems, between Taiwan and Heisey Special Economic Zone. We also would like to study possible opportunities for collaboration, potential problems that may arise from collaboration and propose candidate alternatives for solving the problems.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-IOT-101-EBB007
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98634


  1. RRPG10102-0395-8012878.pdf

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