標題: 數位典藏與學習之學術與社會應用推廣計畫---子計畫五:推廣應用公開徵選計畫
Digital Archives Applications and Promotions Request-for-Proposals Project
作者: 孫春在
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本計畫乃數位典藏國家型科技計畫推廣應用之一環,屬於「數位典藏與學習之學術與社會應用推廣計畫」分項下之子計畫。本計畫旨在透過公開對外徵求的模式,協助本分項,根據其核心任務,廣徵參與者,以便能以多元觀點整合運用數位典藏之推廣應用資源,與本分項以下之「授權平台與規範機制推動」、「學術應用與文化傳佈」、「人文與社會發展」以及「地理資訊應用推廣」、「Daodin社會網絡系統」等各個子計畫產生互補交流的作用,共同促成本分項促成數位典藏內容與技術融入教育、研究、產業與社會發展之主要目標。 依照以上所述之屬性和任務設定,本計畫本年度所安排之主要工作如下: 1. 辦 理公開徵選計畫期初說明會。 2. 彙 整獲選計畫季執行報告。 3. 辦 理公開徵選計畫心得交流會。 4. 辦 理公開徵選計畫之年度審查。 5. 進 行獲選計畫與第四分項各子計畫間之協調整合工作。 6. 協 助獲選計畫之執行和進行計畫績效評估。 7. 訪 視獲選計畫,並不定期舉辦工作坊和參與相關研討會活動及座談會。 8. 舉辦成果發表會。 9. 其他公開徵選相關事宜。
This project is a part of the promotions and applications for the Taiwan E-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP). It is one of the sub-projects of the Project for the Cultural, Academic, Socio-Economic, and Educational Developments (Project Four) under the Second Phase of National Digital Archives Program. By way of request for proposals, this sub-project tries to help Project Four to call for more participators and their contributions, as well as to integrate various resources for digital archives promotions and applications with perspectives of diversity. This project will try its best to interact with the other sub-projects of Project Four so that the digital archives content and technologies can be integrated into the areas of cultural, academic, socio-economic, and educational developments. According to the above mentioned missions, the detailed items of the sub-project to be implemented are as below: 1. Hold Q&A orientation seminars for the funded projects in the beginning phase of their implementations. 2. Gather and compile monthly progress reports and quarterly reports from funded projects. 3. Hold discussion meetings quarterly to exchange experiences over the implementations of the funded projects. 4. Hold reviews over the funded projects. 5. Coordinate the proposed work of the funded projects with those of the other four sub-projects 6. Provide the funded projects with necessary resources in their implementations and evaluate their work results. 7. Visit and audit the funded projects, as well as hold and participate digital archives related conferences and seminars. 8. Hold yearly exhibitions for the funded projects. 9. Other work items related to this sub-project.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2631-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98662
Appears in Collections:Research Plans