標題: 應用於人工視網膜之仿視網膜影像感測器與植入式人工網膜晶片
Retinomorphic Image Sensor and Artificial Retinal Implant Chip for VI Sual Prosthesis
作者: 吳重雨
關鍵字: 人工視網膜;色素性視網膜炎;老年黃斑退化;仿視網膜晶片;太陽能電池
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 我國已經漸漸邁入高齡化社會。由於此社會結構的轉變,導致國家的預算要在高齡相關疾病養護中呈現非線性的成長。尤其在高齡化所導致的視網膜病變,在已開發國家中更是有顯著的影響。在眼疾的統計中,視網膜色素退化疾病(Retinitis Pigmentosa)在每四千人中,就有一人受此疾病困擾。而年齡相關性的視網膜組織退化(Age-Related Macular Degeneration)更是在每十個六十五歲以上年老者中就有一個有此病症。在這兩種視網膜重大疾病,皆有非常高的比例會造成視網膜感光細胞壞死並導致失明。為了能夠有效的治療與此相關之視網膜病變,並能夠減少國家在老年疾病與身障者養護的社會成本與經費預算,我們提出一個整合型研究計畫。計畫的目的為研發可應用於人體實驗之人工視網膜系統雛形,奠基於本計畫團隊暨有的成果,針對人體實驗的要求進行最佳化設計,並進行動物實驗驗證其有效性,作為未來進入人體試驗前的先期研究。 本計畫為整合型計劃中的子計畫二;負責三項主要任務: (1) 視網膜電刺激生物模型之建立、(2) 眼內植入晶片之設計與最佳化、(3) 開發仿視網膜影像感測器。本計畫將與子計畫一合作開發配合人工視網膜植入系統的眼外影像擷取投射裝置,之後的整合系統將用於子計畫三的動物實驗中,以作為最後的驗證。
Our country is stepping into an aging society and the expenses for the associated aging health care are shown with nonlinear increase in the annual budget. The age-related retinal diseases become significant problems in a developed country. In the statistics of eye diseases, it has been estimated that one out of 4000 peoples is suffering from retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Moreover, one tenth of the population with age over 65 years is affected by age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). In order to provide a more effective therapeutic plan for reducing the health-care expenses and the cost of social welfare, we proposed an integrated research project. This project targets to be the initiative for future clinical trial research. The goal of this project is to research and develop prototype artificial retinal implant system for future clinical trial. We will complete the optimum design to fulfill the requirements of the clinical trial. We will also conduct in vitro and in vivo tests to validate our designs. Sub-project(II) is in charge of three missions including to (1) establish the biological behavior model of sub-retinal electrical stimulation, (2) optimize the intraocular implant chip design, and (3) develop retinomorphic image sensor for extraocular device. This sub-project together with sub-project(I) will develop an extraocular device integrating image capture and projection function for our artificial retinal implant system. The finished system will be tested in vitro and in vivo by sub-project(III).
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2221-E009-182-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99080
Appears in Collections:Research Plans