標題: 科技新聞人才培訓計畫
Professional Training Courses of News Writing on Science &Technologies
作者: 李秀珠
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在一個高科技的時代裡,科技影響著我們生活的每一個層面,因此,人們對 科技的基本瞭解讓人們可以知道如何管理周遭的生活。對大部分的人而言,他 (她)們的科技知識都是經由媒體報導而知,就如科技傳播學者Dorothy Nelkin (1995) 所言,大眾媒體不僅僅是人們瞭解快速變化的科技領域之重要管道,他 (她)們也藉由大眾媒體來瞭解這些科技領域在他們生活上所造成的影響,因 此,提升國民的科技知識端賴新聞記者如何正確精準地報導科技相關知識,而國 民的科技知識水平也與國家在全球市場上的競爭力息息相關,所以是不可忽視的 一個層面。目前我們看到台灣許多新聞對於科技相關知識的錯誤報導,或甚至誤 導,是值得傳播教育警惕的一個現象。 本研究目的主要有三,(一)是提供新聞傳播相關科系的學生,以及新聞從 業人員一個進修的機會,提高新聞從業人員及新聞相關科系的學生持續加強其精 確報導科技新聞的興趣及動機,主要加強其在科技新知、科技寫作、及科技傳播 之能力,以期新聞從業人員可善盡其告知及教育民眾之義務,此外,也藉著這些 相關活動的舉辦,讓傳播實務界及學術界了解精確科技新聞報導的重要性。(二) 是訓練將來有興趣並有意願從事新聞工作的理工科系學生,提供其基本新聞寫作 的概念,以及對大眾傳播媒體的運作有基本的認識,及(三)針對已經拿到科技 新聞培訓班證書的學員,開設進階的培訓課程,即第三年的中級班及第四年高級 班的課程,裨益提昇國內科普傳播人才的素養。
With many technologies rapidly developed in our society, technologies are intermingled with every dimension of our lives. Therefore, possessing basic knowledge of technologies relevant to our daily lives allows the public to know how to better manage their environments. For most people in our society, the most important channel to learn about technologies is through the mass media. Many studies indicate that most people in our society used the mass media not only to know what technologies were available in society, but also to understand how these technologies affected their lives (Nelkin, 1995). Hence, the accurate and understandable reporting of technologies or sciences by mass media has very much to do with the enhancement of people’s knowledge about technologies in a society. The main purpose of the project is to provide a series of professional training on scientific communication for those people who are currently scientific journalists and those who are likely to be scientific journalists in order to increase their abilities in the writing or reporting of scientific news.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2515-S009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99171