Title: 學研合作計畫-極紫外光微影技術II (EUVL II)-從光源、檢測分析技術到奈米元件可靠度研究( I )
Investigations on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography II (Euvl Ii)- from Light Source, Metrology, to Reliability of Nano Devices
Authors: 黃遠東
Keywords: Next generation lithography (NGL);Extreme UV lithography (EUVL);Semiconductor;Synchrotron radiation;EUV metrology technology
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 極紫外光微影技術(EUVL)是22nm 結點以下之次世代微影技術中的主
流技術,特別是台灣的半導體公司於2009 年底跨入該領域,國內EUVL
畫的執行(2008.08~),搭配國家同步輻射EUV 光源,成功建立多項關鍵設
反射儀以量測薄膜光學(nkt)性質,建構EUV 干涉系統並達成干涉微影效
果,完成初步奈米元件的EUV 輻射損傷研究。基於先期計畫的基礎,本
極紫外光散射或反射信號,建立各式新穎EUVL 檢測技術,以滿足量產規
模所需之技術需求。(3).針對各式前瞻記憶體與邏輯元件,研究EUV 照射
所造成之電性改變,進而研發抗EUV 輻射傷害的製程技術以及元件結構,
EUVL is the main stream of next generation lithography technologies with a
resolution down to 22 nm and beyond. Especially, domestic semiconductor
companies formally stepped into EUVL technology since 2009. The EUVL
development in Taiwan is just like an arrow on the bowstring. In the phase-I
project (2008.08~now), we successively established several important
endstations and technologies using the synchrotron-radiated (SR) EUV as the
light source. The major achievements include: (1). Design/Construct an
evaluation system equipped with QMS for resist outgassing study. (2).
Design/construct a high-resolution EUV reflectometer for nkt measurement of
ultra-thin films. (3). Establish a technology platform for EUV interference
lithography and successively generate 1D/2 D nano patterns. (4). Study on the
effects of EUV radiation damage on the nano devices. Based on these results,
we will expand the cooperation between universities and research institutes in
this phase-II project, to meet the emerging technical requirements from the
industrials. The major works include (1). Coordinate the resources both from
the academics and industries to co-construct a dedicated EUV beamline, (2).
Establish various EUV metrology technologies via analyzing the scattering and
reflection signal, (3). Study the effects of EUV irradiation on emerging nano
devices, and then find the way to improve their radiation resistance.
This project will establish a complete platform of EUV technology, so that
the domestic semiconductor companies can easily access the resources to
perform their R&D works. We believe the integrated EUVL research
environment in Hsinchu will benefit the development of Taiwan’s
semiconductor industry in the near future.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2120-M009-010
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99194
Appears in Collections:Research Plans