標題: 新穎軟性材料開發與元件之關鍵性核心設施及服務實驗室-新竹地區軟性光電半導體刮刀塗佈核心設施
Blade Coating Core Facilities for Flexible Electro-Optical Semiconductor in Hsinchu Area
作者: 孟心飛
關鍵字: 100年度新穎材料計畫執行現況報告
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 刮刀製程技術能克服旋轉塗佈時所造成的有機層間互溶的情形,以溶液製程製作多層結構之高分子與小分子發光元件。刮刀製程技術係目前唯一一個技術可以在第一層有機層上再次以溶液製程塗佈大面積的第二層有機層。多層的元件結構不但使得元件效率提升,材料利用率也由傳統旋轉塗佈的5%提升近乎100%。刮刀塗佈技術不僅能用於塗佈高分子材料及改質過後增加側鏈以增加溶解性的小分子材料,連未改質之低溶解性小分子材料亦能塗佈且能做出高效率的純小分子有機發光二極體。有鑑於投入軟性電子研究領域的研究學者與產業日漸增加,而一套完整又穩定的研究型設備平台卻是又需要眾多經驗以及資金才能建立完成。本計畫由具有化學、物理與電機背景之研究專才提出,憑藉著對有機半導體豐富的知識與製程經驗,擬定於新竹地區建立以服務為目的之刮刀塗佈設備平台以投入新穎材料之設計開發與元件製作。並且藉由此平台之開放,不但可以使得專注於軟性電子研究領域的學界與產業界可以有一個完備的研究設備平台,且有機會互相溝通與交流。本計畫擬定建設之核心設施可以提供所需研究人員製作有機發光二極體、有機太陽能電池、有機電晶體等有機電子元件。本計畫並延攬具有有機高分子與小分子豐富合成經驗之專才,可以提供材料設計開發服務。
The blade coating method is the only method that prevents the mutual dissolution between different organic layers. The first organic layer will not be dissolved by the solvent of the second organic material. The blade coating method not only makes the multilayer structure possible, but also saves the organic material. The blade coating method succeeds for polymers, small molecules modified with side chains for solubility, as well as unmodified small molecules originally designed for vacuum evaporation. Best results can be obtained without any polymer. The number of the researcher who dedicates their time in the flexible electronics is increasing. However, to setup a stable system with many integrated facilities needs not only experience but also budget. This project is proposed by professors with chemistry, physics, and electrical engineering background. Withhold knowledge in organic semiconductor and experience in device fabrication, this project would like to setup blade-coating core facilities for electro-optical semiconductor devices in Hsinchu area which is accessible for faculties in the universities or researcher in the company. With these core facilities, research groups in many universities and researcher in the companies can have chance to work together and share their opinion. The setup of the core facilities is designed for organic light-emitting diodes, organic solar cells, and organic transistors, etc. In this project, a professor who is an expert in polymer and organic small molecular synthesis and purification can provide organic material synthesis service. This project is supported by the director of the Nano Facility Center, NCTU. One of the clean room in the first floor of the Nano Facility Center can be provided for this project to setup these core facilities.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2119-M009-002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99231


  1. 1002119M009002.PDF

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