標題: 啟動關係性推理之數位科學學習研究:心智模型關係性推理與科學概念建構之探討
Research of Activating Relational Reasoning On-Line Scientific Learning: a Study of Mental Model Dependent Relational Reasoning and Scientific Concept Construction
作者: 佘曉清
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 依據研究者過去的研究 (She & Liao, 2010; She & Lee, 2008)顯示科學推理與學生的科 學概念改變和科學成就具有高相關性。而截至目前為止未曾有研究探討過關係性推理 (Relational Reasoning)對於需要操弄心智模型的科學概念建構之關係,而關係性推理是需仰 賴心智模型,心智模型可被用於預測、推理、推論,進而衍生出問題解決的方法。因此研究 者非常有興趣探討需仰賴心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理的科學概念建構的歷 程與成效。除此之外,許多研究都不明白為何學習者在學習概念或概念改變的歷程中,總是 不會自動啟動推理的使用。因此研究者非常有興趣探討是否因提供系統化啟動學生進行關係 性推理對於其需仰賴心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理的科學概念建構有所影 響? 是以未來三年的計畫將朝下列的方向進行研究。 第一年:完成設計發展可協助學生進行心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理, 進而建構科學概念之數位學習平台與內容環境建置。建立一個系統化啟動科學推理之學習平 台與發展訓練學生進行心智模型關係性推理建構科學概念的小模組,並初探其學習情形。 同 時開始發展需仰賴心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理之理化數位學習內容模組設 計。 第二年:發展系統化啟動心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理協助科學概念建 構之數位化多媒體課程,同時發展科學概念和心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理評 量測驗工具。並正式用於理化學習,並探討其關係性推理與科學概念建構之歷程,並運用眼 動和腦波儀開始收集學生眼動和腦波變化。 第三年:深入探討分析系統化啟動關係性推理與科學概念建構的歷程與成效,包括針 對需仰賴心智模型關係性推理課程內容進行比較分析其學習歷程與成效,和心智旋轉關係性 推理學習內容課程內容進行比較分析其學習歷程與成效。除此之外,採用眼動儀和腦波儀分 析心智模型關係性推理與心智旋轉關係性推理學習歷程之眼動和腦動態變化情形。 相信此研究的結果,可以提供我們對於是否採用系統化啟動推理對科學概念建構的影 響。同時對於需仰賴心智模型關係性推理與心智模型旋轉關係性推理對於科學概念建構之影 響能有深入的了解。並且藉著眼動和腦波的研究資料對於仰賴心智模型的推理以及需仰賴旋 轉心智模型的關係性推理之大腦活化區域與運作的機制有更多的瞭解。期望這些研究成果可 提供我們如何協助學生有效的運用心智模型的關係性推理以及旋轉心智模型的關係性推理 進行科學概念建構之具體的建議。
Several previous studies have indicated that scientific reasoning is highly correlated with students’ conceputal change and scientific concepts (She & Liao, 2010; She & Lee, 2008). It has not been investiaged how would relational reasoning impact on their using of mental model for constructing their scientific concepts. Therefore, the author is really interesting to explore how would mental model depedent relational reasoning and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning impact on the construction of scientific concepts. In addition, many studies reported that learners would not activate their scientific reasoning during science learning or conceptual change, and there is still no clues now. Thus, the author is also willing to investigate how would sytem-acitvate reasoning impact on students’ scientific concepts construction. The guideline for the following three years would be: First year: develop a systemize-activated reasoning online multimedia leaning platform to facilitate students employing mental model dependent relational reasoning and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning for constution of scientific concepts. In addition, to develop a small learning module for training students employing mental model dependent relational reasoning to consturct scientific concepts and assess its effiveness. Morevoer, develop a series of biology and physical science learning modules which would require students to rely on their using of mental model dependent relational reasoning and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning to constuct scientific concepts. Second year: continue to develop a series of biology and physical science learning modules which would require students to rely on their using of mental model dependent relational reasoning and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning to constuct scientific concepts. In addition, develop scientific concepts two tier tests, mental model dependent relational reasoning test and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning test in order to measure the effectiveness of learning. Formally implement system activated reasoning online learning materials at middle school biology and physical science classes to investigate the process of mental model dependent relational reasoning, mental rotation dependent relational reasoning and scientific concept construction. Third year: Analyze the data collected from mental model dependent relational reasoning learning modules, and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning modules by two different conditions, one is with systemize-activated reasoning and the other one without systemize-activiated reasoning. It is to examine the processes of mental model dependent relational reasoning learning modules, and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning across two different displines by two different conditions. Moreover, the eye tracker and EEG were used to provide us more information about how students employing their mental model dependent relational reasoning learning and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning to construct scientific concepts. It is believed that the result of this study would provide us better understanding regarding to whether with or without systemize-activated reasoning influence on students scientific concept construction. It also would provide us more in-depth understanding of the mental model dependent relational reasoning learning modules, and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning processes during concept construction. Morevoer, the use of eye movement and EEG would help us to know more about the mechanism of brain works duirng mental model dependent relational reasoning learning modules and mental rotation dependent relational reasoning .
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2511-S009-003-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99364