Title: | 考量街道寧適性下之步行可及性研究 The Study on Walking Accessibility with the Consideration of Street Amenities |
Authors: | 許巧鶯 HSU CHAUG-ING 國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系(所) |
Keywords: | 步行可及性;街道寧適性;能量消耗;walking accessibility;street amenity;energy expenditure |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 步行可及距離為規劃界落實多元運具模式與大眾運輸導向發展之重要工具,用以量測一 個普遍可接受的設施抵達距離。然而四百公尺的標準從工業革命時代應用至今,尚未充分考 量街道空間寧適性差異對行人步行意願之影響。近年來,街道改善計畫常藉由提升街道空間 寧適性改善以提升視覺、心理愉悅度進而提升步行意願,其對行人生理機制之影響亦受到關 注,特別是當今社會高度重視步行對健康之效益。對此本計畫擬以行人路權、夜間照明、綠 美化、街道傢俱、沿途商業活動、鋪面以及水景等七個街道空間元素為寧適性因子,分別從 心理與生理的角度探討街道寧適因子變動下對步行意願與距離之影響。心理層面擬同時設計 顯示性與敘述性偏好問卷,調查不同起迄對步行路線選擇行為,以降低各因子共線性並提高 資料變異度,校估步行效用函數,進而觀察各寧適性因子變動下對步行意願與距離之影響。 生理層面則是擬透過實驗設計,加入上述因素之影響,改善並應用Pandolf et al.(1977)模式於 捷運旅客步行能量消耗之調查,進而從能量分布函數推導出各街道空間下之步行可及距離。 本計畫成果將提供規劃者從事步行可及性指標制定、街道改善方案評估以及步行行為分析之 參考依據,除提高規劃內容準確度,更可反應出空間與個體差異性。 Walking is the key factor for success in transit-oriented development and multimodal transportation system. A quarter mile distance/five minute walk is used as the estimate of the walking accessibility. Nevertheless, street improvement projects have been widely proposed to raise willingness to walk by enhancing amenity. However, few studies offer systematic analysis for evaluating the effects of the improved amenities. This study aims to explore the relationship between street amenities and willingness to walk from both psychological and physiological perspectives considering seven amenity factors: right of way, lighting, planting, pavement, street furniture, retailing, and water. For psychological aspect, revealed and stated questionnaires will be designed to survey pedestrians’ route choices between various O-D pairs to reduce colinearity between amenity factors. And the pedestrian utility function will be calibrated to observe how street amenities affect willingness to walk and walking distance. For physiological aspect, the method of Pandolf et al. (1977) will be used to analyze the walking energy expenditure (WEE). Its terrain factor will be adjusted as a function to fit the urban street space in the designed experiment. The walking energy expenditure survey will be performed for transit-riders to fit a distribution function to derive their access walking distances. The results of the study are expected to present a set of walking distances by street types to improve the traditional single measure and shows the significance and effects of various street amenities on pedestrian’s willingness to walk. Those results may aid planners when setting walking accessibility, evaluating street improvement projects and analyzing users’ behavior. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC100-2410-H009-050 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99434 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2349683&docId=371459 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |