標題: 漢語形容詞重疊式的語法和語意特性之研究
Reduplication of Adjectives in Chinese: Connotative and Pejorative Description
作者: 劉辰生
關鍵字: 預設狀態;程度性;可感知性;原級程度;重疊;關聯式比較句;程度比較;程度量段;修辭文體;自控性;狀態顯現;default state;gradability;l perceptibility;positive degree;reduplication;rhetorical style;self-controllability;state realization
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 漢語重疊式形容詞在語意上表達了一個由基式形容詞屬性所顯現而來的可感知狀態。重疊式形容詞在語意上所附帶的程度性其實是狀態顯現的附帶特性,可被理解為「原級程度」。可感知性越強的程度形容詞越容易擁有重疊形式。鋪陳排比的修辭文體可以強化形容詞屬性的可感知性,從而促使一個原本在可感知性上相對低的形容詞可以擁有重疊形式。擁有重疊式的形容詞往往需具有程度性的要求其實源自重疊式形容詞所表狀態在可感知性上的要求。依著基式形容詞所表屬性在狀態顯現方式上的不同,重疊式形容詞可以被區分為兩類。
Chinese reduplicated adjectives denote a perceptible state realized from the property denoted by the adjectival base. The ‘degree’ conveyed by reduplicated adjectives is the by-product of state realization and can be interpreted as the positive degree. A gradable adjective denoting a property more perceptible to the human sensation is more amenable to reduplication, and the rhetorical style of parallelism can make the property denoted by adjectives more perceptible. The gradability requirement on adjectives amenable to reduplication results from the perceptibility requirement on the state denoted by reduplicated adjectives. Depending on the way by which the property denoted by their adjectival base is realized as a state, reduplicated adjectives can be divided into two types.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-045
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99436


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