Title: 整合建築資訊模型與Stroboscope營建電腦模擬以利評估工程進度之研究
Integration of BIM and Stroboscope Construction Simulation to Evaluate Construction Schedule
Authors: 王維志
Keywords: BIM 建築資訊模型;營建電腦模擬;STROBOSCOPE;專案工程進度評估;工地工 作流程;BIM;construction simulation;STROBOSCOPE;project scheduling;and task-level operations
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 有別於傳統 2D 工程圖,近年來以三維(或3D)為基礎的建築資訊模型(Building Information Model 或BIM)已逐漸在工程專案管理受到極大的重視。其中,結合BIM 與工程進度排程(即 所謂BIM 4D)亦是重要的運用領域之一。現今對於BIM 在工程進度之運用,主要係將工程專 案所規劃之進度排程(例如,透過Microsoft-Project 呈現)與BIM 模型構件相結合,再導入至 Navisworks,成為4D(3D+時間)來展示。此種作法乃藉由4D 的動畫模擬,並未有效發揮BIM 在數量計算方面之功能,且在分析進度時主要以較高階的施工作業層級(activity-level)為切入 點。 為能更客觀的評估工程進度、提供更多有關進度的管理資訊,以及有效的利用BIM 所能 提供之數量計算結果(包括鋼筋、模板、混凝土等),本計畫主要研究目的為:擬以所建立的 BIM 為基礎(可提供數量計算數據),由工地現場施工工作(tasks)的流程層級(operation level)切 入,並考量人力與機具資源間之競爭,以及考量現場的不確定性(uncertainties),分析各工作 所需的完成時間(以及其它如人力機具等待的時間等資訊),進而再產出施工作業層級 (activity-level)的工程進度表,最後並運用NavisWorks 整合檢視施工進度之4D 動畫展示。 本計畫之期程為一年,擬透過文獻回顧、專家訪談,以 Visual Basic 做為整合BIM 與營 建電腦模擬軟體(本研究採用STROBOSCOPE)之介面工具,再將所建立之模式(與系統)以一件 目前正進行之科技設施建築工程為測試對象。本研究預期將有利於資訊廠商開發新的BIM 運 用領域,以及有利於提供營造廠工地管理的資源分配與時程管理之決策資訊。
Unlike the two-dimension traditional approach, the three-dimension-based Building Information Modeling (BIM) recently has been received much attention by construction management practitioners. One of the BIM applications is the development of BIM 4D (3D plus time) to support project scheduling in an animation fashion. However, such a BIM 4D application has not fully taken the advantage of BIM’s automated capability in quantity take-offs, and it focuses on the activity-level project scheduling. This research aims to propose a BIM-based model to simulate task-level construction operations for generating an activity-level project schedule. The proposed model integrates the BIM software (such as Autodesk Revit) and simulation software (STROBOSCOPE) by using Visual Basic interface software. Based on the quantity take-off data provided by the BIM, STROBOSCOPE will be applied to consider the uncertainties of task durations and the competition among resources (such as construction crews and equipment). An activity-level schedule will then be generated based on the evaluation results of STROBOSCOPE. Finally, the schedule will be incorporated into NavisWorks for performing the 4D animation. The developed model will be tested by an on-going construction project located in northern Taiwan. This research will contribute to both information-technology and construction industries.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2622-E009-017-CC3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99449
Appears in Collections:Research Plans