Title: 交通大學研發成果萌芽功能中心計畫( I )
Function Unit for Germination
Authors: 溫?岸
Keywords: 交通大學;陽明大學;萌芽計畫管理制度;早期技術創新;潛力個案發掘;萌芽計畫;技術經理人;校園原創性;研發成果轉化成創新創業;種子技術;生醫科技;校園創業及智財商業化;系統探勘;創業育成;研發/技轉/育成;個案專利及智財權之分析;跨領域合作;專利佈局;案源探勘;營運模式;產學合作高峰論壇;萌芽功能中心;萌芽程序;台聯大系統;生醫/電子電機/生物科技;Venture Innovation Program;Academia-Industry Collaboration Forum;Discoverers;Innovators;Prospecting;Exploring;Pre-Foresight;S&T Developments;Recruitment;Due Diligence;Prima Facie Case;Pro Forma Business Plan;Technology Development Plan;Business Model
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 國科會為鼓勵大學及學研機構主動發掘具原創性研發成果之價值及促進大學及學研機構整合相關資源,建立萌芽程序等制度及執行能力,轉化原創性的研發成果為高價值之商業應用或產品。特鼓勵以早期產業的市場價值及競爭力為目標,依據原創性研發成果屬性,同步發展開創高價值的商業模式與技術(或產品)雛形的里程碑。 本計畫為「萌芽功能中心計畫」需進行下列工作: 1. 組織技術經理團隊,發掘並篩選具原創性及潛在價值之研發成果。 2. 對上述成果進行智財、技術、產業價值等背景調查(Duediligence),就其潛能及策略性,評定優先性。 3. 協助發展「萌芽個案計畫」(Prima Facie Case),規劃並撰寫個案計畫書(含商業發展、技術發展等計畫)。 4. 建立制度化萌芽程序,協助個案計畫發展出高價值之商業應用或產品 5. 配合國科會及其指定之計畫辦公室之工作需求,並參與相關活動,提供工作相關資料以供考核與督導。 6. 順利推動個案計畫進入第二階段為「萌芽個案計畫」 本計劃由研發處主導,以各學院作為discoverers,邀請國際學會院士及國家院士講座專家 、校友會企業校友 、鑽石計畫註一企業會員擔任innovators,學校原有之類似措施或組織協助智權專利相關管理制度,創新探索及前瞻開發由功能中心從事,功能中心之主要定位在於,建立制度化萌芽程序
Under the promotion of NSC for Germination: Early Stage Incubation, Prof. Eugene Wong provided a clear picture to promote germination. "In our context, germination means taking a scientific discovery or an invention and bringing it to a technology that can launch a significant new business. Germination represents an early stage technology development process that carries high risks, but, hopefully, also high returns." as marked in 2008 Foresight Taiwan- Germination White Paper. NCTU had involved in the early stage involvement of Taiwan semiconductor industry and successfully promoted the world wide IT industries, we do have not only the experience but the university-industry foundation to promote early stage science and technology (S&T) germination. We will go over the systematic processes as pre-foresight, recruitment, generation, action, and renewal to prospect potential S&T cases. Before that, a full time team will be formed and be positioned as a target force team under the supervision of school R&D division. All the deans from all the colleges are being invited as the discoverers. The exploration processes will go over team organization, candidate Endpoint Identification, development Plan Drafting, Pro Forma Business Planning, investment Decision, and execution. As for the methodology of systematic prospection, exploratory method, normative method, quantitative method as well as qualitative method will all be applied for various cases. With the highly endorsement of school resources, the function unit can get fully support from S&T resources in the campus as well as the business and even the future capital support from our strong network of alumni.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-3011-P009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99451
Appears in Collections:研究計畫