標題: 奈米國家型科技計畫辦公室運作計畫
Administration Program for the ”National Science &Amp; Technology Program for Nanoscience &Amp; Nanotechnology”
作者: 吳重雨
關鍵字: 奈米科技;國家型科技計畫
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 為了積極掌握奈米科技蓬勃發展的趨勢,以開創整體產業的新契機,91 年 6 月國科會第157 次委員會中通過6 年期(2003-2008)奈米國家型科技計畫,同 年9 月成立奈米國家型科技計畫辦公室,冀盼藉由計畫辦公室整合產學研力 量,建立我國發展學術卓越和相關應用產業所需要之奈米平台技術,同時加速 培育奈米科技所需人才,奠定我國奈米科技厚實之基礎。計畫相關執行部會署 包含國科會自然處、經濟部技術處、經濟部標檢局、經濟部工業局、經濟部能 源局、教育部顧問室、原能會、衛生署、環保署以及勞委會等。 95 年5 月29-31 日總期程期中審查邀請了1986 年諾貝爾物理獎得主 Heinrich Rohrer 及1998 年諾貝爾物理獎得主Robert B. Laughlin 等10 名國外委 員來台協助審查,審查結果認為學術卓越計畫部分可媲美歐洲各國研究水準, 中小學到大學的人才培育計畫是一個很好的構想與管理、有效的投資且已達到 預期目標,並認為本國家型科技計畫在台灣的經濟與產業競爭力上,已有非常 長期的影響,其傳統產業應用計畫將會立即帶動重要的民間投資及衍生產值。 此外,本計畫內容涵蓋跨領域、跨學院合作及國際合作值得讚許。 奈米國家型科技計畫第 2 個6 年期(2009-2014)總體規劃已於97 年4 月21 日通過國科會委員會會議,於98 年度開始執行,並規劃了六大重點領域方向: 前瞻研究領域、奈米電子/光電技術領域、能源與環境技術領域、材料與傳統產 業領域、生醫農學應用領域、儀器設備研發領域;以及持續推動各部會署重要 政策執行計畫,包括(1)環境、安全、與健康議題計畫,(2)人才培育,(3)奈米標 準,(4)奈米標章,(5)產學研合作,以及(6)國際合作等。
The National Science Council (NSC) is the ministry in the Executive Branch of the Taiwan government responsible for scientific and technical affairs. The minister of the NSC serves as the Chair of the Council Meeting. The members of the Meeting include the president of Academia Sinica, ministers of those ministries involved in science and technology (S&T), and representatives from academia and industry. Regular Council Meetings are held to discuss related to concerning S&T policies. NSC Council Meeting June 2002 approved the Taiwan National Science and Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, which was given the highest priority support by all ministries with budgets dedicated to nanotechnology R&D. This national program was initiated in 2003, the total budget for the first phase was set to around US$600 million spread over six years (2003-2008). The program was designed to coordinate the efforts from various government agencies which include the Ministry of Economic Affairs, NSC, Ministry of Education, Atomic Energy Council, Environmental Protection Administration, Department of Health and Council of Labor Affairs to enhance interdisciplinary research. It is hoped through this program there will be substantial economic growth and acceleration of nanotechnology developments that improve the quality of life.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-3113-P009-002-PO
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99524
Appears in Collections:Research Plans