標題: 設計與開發部落格輔助寫作系統
Design and Implementation of Assisted Blog Writing System
作者: 李嘉晃
關鍵字: 自然語言處理;輔助寫作;隱藏式馬可夫模型;機率式潛藏語意分析;語意連貫性;Natural Language Processing;Assisted Writing System;HMM;PLSA;Coherence
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 由於網路資訊的發達,越來越多的人們習慣於部落格上發表各類文章,分享生活上的點點滴滴,其中使用者的年齡層範圍,不僅涵蓋國中與國小的學生,甚至包括部份的銀髮族。於撰寫部落格的過程中,有時候靈感源源不絕,文章揮灑自如,卻也不乏腸枯思竭的狀況發生。本篇論文結合人機互動與自然語言兩門領域,提出並實作一套部落格文章輔助寫作系統,目的是幫助使用者在撰寫部落格文章的過程中,若發生不知從何構思詞句下筆寫作時,本系統能夠適時適度的提供文章寫作的概念和方向,激發使用者創作的泉源。
As the popularity of Internet, more and more people get used to sharing the episodes of their lives on their own blogs. During the course of writing, people may stop at some points and spend a lot of time thinking the next sentence. In addition, people tend to use some text segments that have been appeared in other articles. Based on the above observations, we propose and implement a computer-aided system for blog article writing. The system assists users to compose articles, especially when they struggle to find something to write.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2221-E009-129
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99613