Title: 時域反射法於太陽能版檢測技術研發
Development of Photovoltaic System Inspection Using Time Domain Reflectometry
Authors: 鐘志忠
Chung Chih-Chung
Keywords: 太陽能模組;時域反射法;Photovoltaic system;Time domain reflectometry (TDR)
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 目前世界各國已積極發展太陽光電發電以取代部分能源需求,然而相關太陽光電發電研究發展,多數以模組製程改善與提升模組發電效率為主要導向,較缺乏實務安裝與後續維護檢測與品管部分。本研究鑑於提升太陽光電產品應用週期與回饋產業發展需求,回顧現有相關太陽能版檢測方法,評估以時域反射(Time domain reflectometry, TDR)技術最具有可行性。因此本研究針對TDR於太陽能模組實體線路檢測相關限制,擬定提供TDR分析模式改良以及率定方法,並配合對應儀控軟體規劃與建置,藉以提升TDR技術於太陽能模組實體線路與材料品管檢測應用,包含量測準確度、量測效率、量測標準化,以及第一線工程人員使用者操作便利性。
Developments of solar energy application are widely promoted currently over the world. Most researchers focus on the production improvement and power generation efficiency raise of photovoltaic (PV) cells. However, main issues of quality control or inspection of PV system maintenance are essential to minimize the outage period and maximize the lifetime output of PV system. In order to conform to the demand, Time domain reflectometry (TDR) technology would be feasible among reviewed methods for PV inspection. Therefore, this study proposes the modified TDR signal processing methodology and the calibration procedure development for PV inspection. Furthermore, the study would cooperate with the virtual instrument software to establish the relative PV system inspection program. These developments would be included to the suggested standard operation procedure (SOP), and increase the PV system inspection accuracy and efficiency using TDR practically.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2218-E009-029
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99769
Appears in Collections:Research Plans