標題: 異質無線多網安全檢測平台建置計畫(II)
Heterogeneous Wireless Multiple Network Security Testing and Analysis Platform(II)
作者: 謝續平
關鍵字: 異質多網安全檢測平台;系統安全檢測;網路安全檢測;軟體安全檢測;人員安全意識檢測;heterogeneous networks penetration testing platform;network penetration tests;system penetration tests;software security tests;user security awareness tests
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 交通大學與中央研究院於2005年合作成立交通大學資通安全研究與教學中心(TaiWan Information Security Center, TWISC@NCTU),配合李德財院士推動資安相關研究,未來 將延續過去合作模式,並加強合作交流。 本計畫將延續98 年的計畫,加強異質無線多網安全檢測平台的功能性以及開發新的檢 測工具。隨著無線網路的盛行,無線網路攻擊行為層出不窮,這對政府機關、財團法 人與高科技廠商已經造成重要內部資訊的洩露及金錢的嚴重損失。對政府機關(例如: 國安局、中科院等) 而言,期待有全面性的安全檢測工具可檢測其內部所使用的無線網 路設備及無線軟體是否有安全漏洞及弱點。而財團法人(例如:資策會、工研院等)所推 行的校園無線漫遊整合計劃及WiMAX 科學園區建置計劃也希望有合適的安全檢測工 具能夠檢測與滲透分析無線行動裝置、Base Station (BS)及無線漫遊伺服器(Roaming Server)的安全性。產業界(例如:中華電信、微軟、聯發科技、友訊、威播、明泰、宏碁、 阿碼科技等)而言,希望能夠有完整的檢測工具可以檢測他們開發的無線設備或者無線 設備內的系統與應用軟體上是否存在安全漏洞。然而目前市面上並沒有完整及合適的 安全檢測工具可以提供檢測服務給上述單位。為了滿足政府機關、財團法人與高科技 廠商對於無線網路安全檢測服務的迫切需求,本計畫在98 年執行初期便邀請工研院、 資策會、國安局、中科院、明泰科技等單位共同協助規劃,建置一異質無線多網安全 檢測實驗室,並開發一異質無線多網安全檢測平台(WiSec@NCTU),目前此平台可分 成異質無線多網核心網路安全檢測以及行動裝置滲透檢測兩大部份。在98 年的計畫執 行期間我們建置與開發總共13 個子系統與工具用以檢測異質多無線網路(WiFi、 WiMAX 及3.5G)與有線網路(wired)互動下無線網路設備、無線行動裝置、軟體程式 的安全性。此外,在98 年本計畫有豐碩的成果,包括技術移轉(軟體授權)共5 件、 技術服務共5 件、產學合作共5 件。在未來99 年及100 年的計畫中,我們將繼續強化 異質無線多網安全檢測平台的功能,並且持續開發更多檢測工具。藉由此平台的建置 與檢測工具的開發,我們希望提供政府機關、財團法人及高科技廠商無線網路安全檢 測的服務,並且技轉所開發的檢測工具,以幫助上述單位發現漏洞及弱點。如此一來 將可提高產業的經濟效益、提升無線產品附加價值、節省因網路攻擊或系統弱點所消 耗的產值、節省專業檢測人力並且有效減少無線網路環境的攻擊。
With the increasing prevalence of wireless networks, numerous attacks have occurred frequently these years. These wireless network attacks have great impact not only on government agencies, but also on private sectors. The illicit behaviors may cause sensitive information leaked and serious monetary lost. Unfortunately, the current tools are not designed for the security testing of wireless systems and software. To ensure our efforts will fit into the need of government agencies, research institutes, and wireless equipments manufactures, the engineers and technical leaders of ITRI, III, CSIST, NSB, and Alpha Networks have been invited to participate the planning of this project at the beginning stage. The aim is to construct a heterogeneous wireless multiple network penetration testing lab, and develop a heterogeneous wireless penetration testing platform (WiSec@NCTU). We have developed and established thirteen penetration testing systems and tools. These systems and tools can be divided into three categories: penetration testing of heterogeneous multiple networks, malware discovery and penetration testing in mobile devices, and experimental platform. These developed subsystems and tools can examine and test security issues on heterogeneous wireless network (WiFi, WIMAX, and 3.5G), wired wireless devices, mobile wireless devices and software. TWISC@NCTU has close relationship with Taiwan high-tech companies, government, and research institutes. In respect to technology transfer, we have transferred five novel technologies to National Security Bureau (NSB), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), and Chunghwa Telecom. In regard to industrial collaboration, Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology, MediaTek, ITRI, and D-Link are currently involved in our center. TWISC@NCTU also provides technical services to NSB, ITRI, Taipei Computer Association (TCA), and Institute of Information Industry (III). In the coming two years, we will make enhancements on developed heterogeneous wireless testing platform and develop more penetration testing tools. Furthermore, we hope government agencies and Taiwan industries can benefit by using these tools to examine and evaluate their wireless networks or mobile devices.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2219-E009-013
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99806


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