標題: 高效能固態染料敏化太陽能電池的開發及其基礎研究---總計畫( I )
Development of Highly Efficient Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and the Related Fundamental Studies(I)
作者: 刁維光
關鍵字: 固態染料敏化太陽能電池;太陽能電池模組;solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell;solar cell module
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 我們提出一個三年期之跨領域整合型研究計畫「高效能固態染料敏化太陽能電池的開發及其基 礎研究」,其目的在設計與開發高效能全固態DSSC 元件之關鍵材料與技術,了解影響其元件效能 之運作機制,開發出大面積之固態元件模組,並以促成其商品化為首要目標。本計畫以交大研發團 隊為中心,以下包含四個相輔相成的子計畫:第一子計畫「新穎紫質染料的設計與合成」,由中興 大學化學系葉鎮宇教授主持;第二子計畫「新型固態電解質的設計與合成」,由清華大學化學系陳 建添教授主持;第三子計畫「新穎一維奈米結構薄膜電極的開發」,由聯合大學能源與資源學系陳 建仲助理教授主持;第四子計畫「元件效能最佳化與電荷轉移機制研究」,由交通大學應用化學系 刁維光教授主持。其中第一~第三子計畫的目標在開發全固態DSSC 元件之關鍵材料,第四子計畫 則致力於最佳化元件效能並以雷射光譜及動力學等尖端技術來研究其電荷轉移機制。我們期望藉由 此計畫的執行儘快找到最佳化固態染料敏化太陽電池的參數,使得此第三代太陽電池的商品化的目 標早日實現。
This three-year interdisciplinary joint proposal contains four interconnected subprojects aiming development of key materials and device technology to produce highly efficient solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (ss-DSSC) for future commercialization: (1) focuses on design and synthesis of new series photosensitizers based on porphyrins and their derivatives as light-harvesting materials (led by Chen-Yu Yeh, NCHU); (2) uses the cis-stilbene/fluorene hybrids as the main body to design a series of solid-state electrolyte materials as hole-transport layer (led by Chien-Tien Chen, NTHU); (3) puts effort on preparation of novel one-dimensional nanostructures such as anodic titanium oxide (ATO) nanotube (NT) arrays and hydrothermal synthesized single crystalline TiO2 nanorods as electron-transport layer (led by Chien-Chon Chen, NUU); (4) fabricates ss-DSSC devices using all relevant materials produced from subprojects 1-3 and perform photovoltaic and kinetics characterizations to optimize the cell performance and understand their electron-transport mechanism (led by Eric Wei-Guang Diau, NCTU). We expect that the newly designed ss-DSSC has a bright future, provided that the main drawbacks of the poor pore-filling efficiency and fast electron-hole recombination process can be well controlled by the key materials and the new technologies developed in this proposal, so as to have its future commercialization to come true soon.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2627-M009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99813