標題: 台灣竹苗四溪流域客家建築的類型與變遷
作者: 黃蘭翔
Huang, Lan-Shiang
關鍵字: 客家建築;生活空間;台灣建築;土地龍神;化胎;風水;合院建築;家廟;Hakkanese Architecture;Living Space;Taiwanese Architecture;Dragon Godof the Earth;Fung-Shui;Court House;Family Shrine
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究第一年進行鳳山溪流域、第二年從事後龍溪流域的調查,第三年度除了補足與修正過去的調查研究的內容外,將進行四溪流域之中過去兩年所缺的範圍,亦即頭前溪與中港溪流域的客家建築調查。 過去兩年調查重點放在找尋台灣客家族群的建築文化特徵,但是結果發現在客家移民或是定居過程與其它族群有密切的交流融合的現象,甚至客家的出身的原鄉建築形態也不一樣。因此客家建築的調查已經無法再以單純的「客家族群」觀點進行分析研究,必須進行客家建築與他族群建築的比較。也就是以客家原鄉建築的多樣性為背景,進行與漳州、泉州與潮州建築之比較。並且就其在台灣的定居過程中,其建築發展的變化進行分析。 基於進行比較研究的需要,今年研究的將加入「福佬客」與台灣南部客家建築的調查。為何加入南部客家建築調查的原因,除了想看看南北客家建築在原鄉、移民過程與定居過程有何異同現象外,南部客家居住地區還可以看到北部客家定居融合於南部客家居住地的案例,也可以看到外省族群及閩南人在客家居住區的案例,這是研究客家文化的融合、發展變遷的好田野。
This research is based on the physical characteristics which appeared on the architecture and settlements of Hakka people. On one hand, this research is confirming what is so called the characteristics of architecture of Hakka, on the other hand we are defining the distribution of the characteristics of Hakkanese traditional buildings in Shin-Chu and Miao-Li prefectures. So far we have surveyed the traditional Haakknese buildings in the basin area of Feng-Shan(鳳山) stream and Hou-Lung(後龍) stream during last two years, and continuously the buildings located in the basin area of Tou-Chian(頭前) stream will be covered this year. In addition, the issues to analyze the differences and similarities of traditional buildings between the immigrant settlements in Taiwan and their hometown, Fu-Jian and Guang-Dung Provinces, China, will be also practiced. Lastly, a comparison study among the buildings of the ethnic Hakka and the other groups in Taiwan will be carried out at the end of this year.
官方說明文件#: 99-0399-06-05-03-28
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99832


  1. RRPG99030594.pdf

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