標題: 桃竹苗齋教「佛教化」之形式與意涵
作者: 李玉珍
關鍵字: 齋教;台灣佛教;宗教融合;客家女性;閩客宗教合流;Vegetarian Religion;Taiwan Buddhism;Hakka Women;Colonial religious registration;Religious Sectarian identity
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 介於中國佛教與民間信仰行為的齋教,其教義混和儒、道、釋三教,加上著名齋教核心齋堂的凋零,使得以往台灣齋教的研究一直無法系統化,停留在建築、神聖空間、地域分佈的研究視野。經過兩年的田野調查,本計畫發現齋教傳播過程中與地方大族互助,並且形成宗教家族,而且面對被殖民、移民的邊陲位置,發展出應對不同宗教政策的運作之道。齋教於地區家族、中日菁英僧團、臺灣共同宗教實踐的三角互動生態中,產生家族式女齋堂。女齋堂進而與中日佛教的改革合流,構成戰後臺灣佛教現代化的基礎。 本計畫第一年的調查著重於性別與宗教政策。將台灣齋教視為地域性宗教合流的結果,比較分析桃竹苗齋堂在中日佛教的定位與互動。第二年首先切入性別議題,探討作為女性守貞清修的齋堂、佛堂,如何與宗族祭祀、佛教與女神信仰結合,為女性開闢獨立的修行空間與社會參與。第二個方向,則是帶領博碩士助理撰寫獅頭山宗教社區的研究論文,嘗試瞭解日治時期齋教與日本佛教、地方鸞堂、道教的互動。第三年則延續上述議題,探討桃竹苗地區齋教山林化、都市化的分野,以及他們分別與中日佛教僧團主義的協調、轉型。同時更詳細尋找客家籍貫齋姑的流動,以及她們剃度受戒,轉型進入佛門後,對於修行濟世的定義。
Three sects of Vegetarian Religion, that is Xiantian, Longhua and Jintong, have emerged in Taiwan since the seventeenth century, and most of their halls centered in Xinchu County during the Japanese occupation (1895-1945). According to the official investigation held in 1941, there were 65 Vegetarian Halls located in Xinchu, as 36 in Taizhong, 35 in Taipei, and 35 in Tainan. However, contemporary research has focused on Tainan and Taipei, neglecting the development of Vegetarian Religions in Xinchu area. The phenomena might relate to the rapid transformation from Vegetarian Halls to Buddhist temples in this area. As the island around urbanization since 1970s leaved this isolated area, the rising Buddhist enterprises which created new pilgrimage sites in eastern and southern Taiwan also affected the finance of this religious community. However, previous development preserves relatively great amount of data for investigating the transformation of Vegetarian Religion. This project aims on the reconstruction of the history of Vegetarian Religions in Xinchu, Miaoli, and Taoyuan in last centure (1905-2003). From the perspective of Hakka study, this research will also compare the religious practice of Hakka from Minan’s in terms of Vegetarian Religion. More specific issues include the function of Vegetarian Hall as the refugee of unmarried women, the classification of clan shrine and Buddhist monastery, the cult of Guanyin and other female deities, and so on. The goals of this project will conduct three investigations: (1) to collect and analyze historical data of the Vegetarian Religion in the Hakka community; (2) to compare the religious registration system of the Japanese colonial government with the post-war KMT government; (3) to interview the survived ritual experts and followers of Vegetarian Religion, as well as those converted to Buddhism.
官方說明文件#: 99-0399-06-05-03-24
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99871
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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