標題: 新世代光纖載微波系統與技術之整合研究---總計畫
Next Generation Radio-over-Fiber Systems and Techniques
作者: 賴?杰
關鍵字: 光纖通訊;光纖載微波;微波光電;鎖模光纖雷射;Fiber Communication;Radio-Over-Fiber;Microwave Photonics;Mode-locked Fiber Lasers
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本群體研究計畫將針對未來光纖載微波通訊系統需要的關鍵光電技術來 進行整合性研究,並發展重要的相關應用。主要的研究方向包括:微波光電信 號源(基於電光調變倍頻、可調雙波長半導體雷射拍頻、及高重複率鎖模光纖 雷射)、超寬頻光電微波發射器、光纖載微波信號處理技術、光纖載微波傳輸 與網路技術(包括分波多工光纖載微波被動光纖擷取網路、W-band 光纖載微 波系統)。這些研究方向涵蓋了光纖載微波通訊從元件與模組到傳輸與系統的 各重要層次,並兼具學術研究的新穎性與光電應用的重要性。主要研究團隊成 員已有多年研究合作經驗(連續3期各3年的國科會群體研究計畫),這次也 加進來幾位新的研究成員,預期未來3年應可持續在光通訊相關研究上有卓越 貢獻。本計畫為此群體研究計畫之總計畫,我們一方面將透過總計畫的居間協 調來加強各子計畫間的整合性,一方面也將結合各子計畫的成果來進行整合性 的研究及展示。由於新世代的光纖載微波通訊系統將朝著更高頻來發展,建立 一個能夠整合性地來進行超高頻光纖載微波傳輸與系統實驗的研究平台將是 必要的研究環境基礎。我們將透過此總計畫來建立能夠產生與量測高頻微波信 號的實驗環境,所產生的高頻微波信號可提供給微波光電信號源相關子計畫來 轉換成光信號,再由傳輸與系統相關子計畫來進行傳輸與系統實驗。所建立的 高頻微波信號量測平台則可讓各子計畫在不同階段來對微波/光電信號進行 精密量測,從而可加速各個子計畫的研究發展。我們希望透過建立這樣的整合 性研究平台來使不同子計畫間元件/模組與傳輸/系統之不同層次研究能有 更好的互動式發展,並可以來發展重要的相關光電應用。
The present integrated project will perform integrated investigation on the following important development trends for future Radio-Over-Fiber communication systems: novel microwave photonic sources (based on EO modulation schemes, tunable dual wavelength lasers, and mode-locked fiber lasers), novel broadband photonic microwave transmitters, novel Radio-Over-Fiber signal processing techniques, and novel Radio-Over-Fiber systems (UWB-Over-Fiber WDM-PON access networks, W-band Radio-Over-Fiber systems). These research directions cover all the layers of devices, modules, transmission, systems for Radio-Over-Fiber technologies and can also be used in other related important applications. Both the academic novelty and the application importance has also been considered and emphasized. The main research team has already had long-term research cooperation experience. Several new group members will also join the present integrated project. We expect to continuously generate excellent research outcomes for the coming three years. This project is the main project for the integrated project. We will enforce the cooperation between different sub-projects through the coordination of the main project and perform some integrated researches and demos. Since the trend for next generation Radio-Over-Fiber systems is towards higher and higher frequency bands, a research platform that can support ultra-high frequency Radio-Over-Fiber transmission and system demonstration will be the crucial basis for success. Under this main project, we will establish the experimental platform capable of precisely generating and measuring ultra-high frequency microwave signals. The generated signals can be utilized by sub-projects of microwave photonic sources to further generate the photonic signals, which can then be utilized by sub-projects of transmission and systems to perform the experiments. The measurement facilities (including spectrum and noise) can also be utilized by all the sub-projects at different stages to speed up their researches. In this way, the interaction between the device/module layer and the transmission/system layer among different sub-projects can be enhanced and applications of the developed techniques in related photonics research area can also be investigated.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2221-E009-044-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99890