Browsing by Author Lee, TL

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005A 5-GHz direct-conversion receiver with I/Q phase and gain error calibrationChen, WZ; Lee, TL; Lu, TY; 電機學院; College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1-May-2003Highly reliable nickel silicide formation with a Zr capping layerLee, TL; Lee, JW; Lee, MC; Lei, TF; Lee, CL; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2003Impacts of HF etching on ultra-thin core gate oxide integrity in dual gate oxide CMOS technologyLee, DY; Lin, HC; Chen, CL; Huang, TY; Wang, TH; Lee, TL; Chen, SC; Liang, MS; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
2005Improvement of junction leakage by using a Zr cap layer on a 30 nm ultrashallow nickel-silicide junctionLee, TL; Lee, MZ; Lei, TF; Lee, CL; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-May-2002Interfacial mechanism studies of electroless plated Cu films on a-Ta : N layers catalyzed by PIIILin, JH; Lee, TL; Hsieh, WJ; Lin, CC; Kou, CS; Shih, HC; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
1-Apr-1996Transient three-dimensional convection of air in a differentially heated rotating cubic cavityLee, TL; Lin, TF; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Apr-1996Transient three-dimensional convection of air in a differentially heated rotating cubic cavityLee, TL; Lin, TF; 交大名義發表; 機械工程學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Mechanical Engineering
10-May-2006Trench gap-tilling copper by ion beam sputter depositionHan, S; Lee, TL; Yang, CJ; Shih, HC; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
1-Sep-2003Wafer bonding by Ni-induced crystallization of amorphous siliconChao, CP; Wu, YCS; Lee, TL; Wang, YH; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering