標題: 環境奈米科技知識管理及整合計畫
Knowledge management and integration of environmental nanotechnology
作者: 蔡春進
Chuen-Jinn Tsai
關鍵字: 奈米物質的環境安全衛生;知識平台;EHS of nanomaterials;Knowledge platform
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究針對環境中奈米物質量測及特性分析以及未來暴露評估可能的國內研發能量缺口及執行能量缺口,進行國內專家討論及評估。本研究亦進行ISO及OECD有關奈米科技環境、健康、安全(EHS)議題發展趨勢及相關資訊的追蹤工作,同時協助環保署「環境奈米科技知識庫之功能強化及維運服務」計畫資訊提供整合及知識交流討論,並提供國內各界互動與討論平台。本研究並以知識庫為平台,舉辦論壇、社群討論、實務輔導等活動,進行相關議題的交流及推廣於社會各界。
This study reviews the latest literatures to bridge the domestic knowledge gaps on measurement and characterization of nanomaterials, and exposure and risk assessments of nanomaterials. Workshops on these topics are also held and the suggestions and comments from the participating experts are collected. This study also gathers the developing tendency and important information of environmental, health, and safety (EHS) issues on nanotechnology from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The knowledge contents is also provided for another EPA project “Consolidation and Maintenance of Environmental Nanotechnology Knowledge Platform” and exchanged with the experts. Through the discussion on the forum and platform, Nanotechnology EHS issues can be exchanged and spread to the general public.
官方說明文件#: EPA-99-U1U1-02-105
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100226


  1. RRPG99100303.pdf
  2. RRPG99100303A.pdf

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