標題: 低成本高性能高可靠度先進氧化鋅奈米線場發射元件之研究
Investigations on Advanced ZnO Nanowires-Based Field Emission Devices with Low Cost, High Performance and High Reliability
作者: 曾俊元
關鍵字: 氧化鋅奈米線;奈米球微影;濺鍍法;水熱法;自我組裝排列;場發射元件;閘極控制;場發射特性;ZnO nanowire;Nanosphere lithography;Sputtering;Hydrothermalsynthesis;Self-assembly;Field emission device;Gate control;Field emissionproperties
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 由於具備熱穩定性、成本低等優點,氧化鋅奈米線被認為是大面 積場發射顯示器發射源的候選材料之一。對優良的場發射特性之要求 為具備較低的啟動電場、低屏蔽效應、高的場效增益因子及高可靠度 的場發射特性。因此,在本三年研究計畫中,主要著重上述的4 重 要的要求進行改善。將引入自組裝奈米球微影限定後續水熱法成長氧 鋅奈米線的排列及位置進而降低屏蔽效應的影響。藉發展奈米球的自 組裝於不同基板上的技術來得到精確的奈米線陣列定位控制。對於改 善場效增益因子與低的啟動電場而言,將會發展不同的蝕刻技術進行 氧化鋅奈米線幾何形狀修飾並同時利用金屬擴散的過程進行氧化鋅 奈米線的摻雜來降低氧化鋅奈米線的電阻率與表面功函數而得以改 善場發射特性。然後,針對電子發射源的穩定性進行測試並將測試結 果回饋到製程參數的調整而得以改善之。 最後,將會藉由半導體製程來製作各式閘極控制的場發射元件、 並量測與分析其場發射特性與可靠度,使得氧化鋅奈米線實際應用於 場發射元件的目標得以實現。
Due to the advantages of thermal robustness, good stability, and low cost, the ZnO nanowries are potential candidate being used as an electron emission source in large area field emission display (FED). The requirements for FED having excellent field emission characteristics comprise low turn-on field, low screen effect, high field enhanced factor and good stability. Therefore, in this research project, the main focuses will emphasize the improvement of four important requirements mentioned above through novel processes. To lower the screen effect, nanosphere lithography will be adopted to locate and arrange the positions where the ZnO nanowires are going to hydrothermally grow. The technique of nanospheres self-assembly on various substrates will be developed for obtaining such a precise position control. To improve the field enhance factor and to lower the turn on field, various etching techniques will be developed to modify the geometric shape of the ZnO nanowries and suitable doping in the nanowires prepared by metal diffusion process will be employed to decrease the resistivity of the ZnO nanowries and lower the work function as well, which both improve the field emission property. The stability of the electron emission source will be tested and improved through proper adjustment of the processing variables based on measurement results. Finally, the field emission devices based on the ZnO nanowires will be fabricated by semiconductor process and their controllable field emission characteristics and reliability will be investigated to realize the practical application of ZnO nanowires on the field emission devices.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-150-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100392
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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