標題: 代數數位內容之激發式動態表徵及展演原則之研究
Principles for Trigger-Based Animated Representation and Presentation for Algebra Content Design
作者: 陳明璋
關鍵字: 視覺搜尋;注意力引導;激發是動態呈現;SBS;元素互動性;激發式動態呈現;visual search;attention guiding;SBS;isolate-interacting elements;trigger-base animation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 以教師引導教學的環境,教師是媒體教學的一環,教師主導教材的呈現順序、速度
The instructor is a conduit in an instructor-led media-enriched instructional environment.
The instructor plays an important role in guiding the sequence, pace and interpretation of the
presence of the instructional materials. The progress of teaching and learning between the
instructor and the students reside in the interaction between the instructional materials on the
big screen and the instructor’s verbal interpretation. The instructors will have to consider the
integrity, synchronization, individualization, linking, and attention guiding among the group
of learners. Multimedia learning theory and Cognitive loading theory are the important
foundation of the multimedia instruction studies. The common discovered principles are
mostly generality. Areas like the knowledge structure, visualization structure, and presentation
structure for specific subjects still require further studies. The principles for classroom
instruction also need further studies. Therefore, this research has to examine more
fundamental theories like cognitive psychologies and educational psychologies to support the
foundation. Moreover, this research also requires more involvement from the instructors, who
are experienced with trigger-based animated instructional design, so as to perfect the
execution of this project. The trigger-based animation provides an instructor-led instructional
environment. The purpose of this research is to develop the evaluation criteria for the dynamic
trigger-based animated representation and presentation for junior high school algebra content
design. This project is staged into three years. The first year is to establish the principles for
designing the trigger-based animation materials. The second year is to establish the principles
for Trigger-based animated Presentation. The third year is to formulate the criteria for
evaluating trigger-based animation instructions. By following these principles, we expect to
provide instructors with the set of rules to design instructional materials, to evaluation
instructional presentations, and to apply the instructional materials and presentations into the
classroom in order to promote instructional design capability and enhance instructional
presentation quality.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2511-S009-008
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100744


  1. 992511S009008.PDF

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